3. 70's: Global cooling -- Ice Age Coming
31. Cartoons and magazine covers webarchive; pdf
39. NASA Global Land-Ocean Temperature
23. Ice
Global Sea Ice Reference Page: Arctic and Antarctic current graphs and imagery Given the intense interest in Arctic Sea Ice extent this year,
Global, Arctic & Antarctic Sea Ice Area
Arctic Sea Ice Extent – 15% or greater:
Global Sea Ice Reference Page: Arctic and Antarctic current graphs and imagery Shortlink for this page: http://wp.me/P7y4l-5Kc (suitable for blog or Twitter comments) All images are displayed from either their source or, if the file names include timestamps, are automatically created copies updated soon after appearing at their source.
Penn State Ice and Climate Exploration is an interdisciplinary group of researchers from across the university dedicated to a better understanding of the cryosphere. ... The balance between snowfall on the ice sheets and water returned to the ocean each year is one of the controls on global sea level.
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Ice Ages
Polar Caps
By Year. including polar temperature
Ice Ages
An ice age, or more precisely, a glacial age, is a period of long-term reduction in the temperature of the Earth's surface and atmosphere, resulting in the ...
University of California, S...
Extinct mammals of the ice ages: Mammoths and saber tooth tigers. ... During this period of extreme ice buildup, the ice advanced deep into the Midwest, from its ...
Jan 1, 1997 - Earth's climate naturally fluctuates between warm periods and ice ages. What likely caused the last “big chill”?
by Sandy Eldredge and Bob Biek. What is an ice age? An ice age is a long interval of time (millions to tens of millions of years) when global temperatures are ...
During the ice age the men would set a trap for their food. When an animal fell for the trap the men would go kill it. Then the men would work on cutting the ...
What causes ice-ages? Fluctuations in the amount of insolation (incoming solar radiation) are the most likely cause of large-scale changes in Earth's climate ...
6 Oct 11 - During a Little Ice Age, "food-producing land becomes scarcer, food-growing seasons become shorter, and the world becomes a much more arid and ...
The Snowball Earth hypothesis posits that the Earth's surface became entirely or nearly entirely frozen at least once, some time earlier than 650 Ma (million ...
Mar 3, 2013 - New research might help explain how Earth sprung back after a period of extensive glaciation known as 'Snowball Earth.' The key may have ...
What's the link between cosmic rays and climate change?
Study Sheds Light on Effects of Clouds on Warming | Climate Central
Do clouds warm or cool the climate?
Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with ... NSIDC
Sea ice data updated daily, with one-day lag. Orange line in extent image (left) and gray line in time series (right) indicate 1981 to 2010 average extent for the ...
Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with ... NSIDC
Advanced Cooperative Arctic Data & Information Service (ACADIS) .... The fraction of the Arctic sea ice cover comprised of old ice continued to decline. Summer ...
Arctic sea ice shatters previous low records; Antarctic sea ice edges to record high Oct 2, 2012
NSIDC releases its final analysis of the 2012 Arctic sea ice melt season.
National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
2 October 2012 Arctic sea ice shatters previous low records; Antarctic sea ice edges to record high
An ice shelf is a thick slab of ice, attached to a coastline and extending out over the ocean as a seaward extension of the grounded ice sheet
Table 1. Ten lowest minimum Arctic sea ice extents (satellite record, 1979 to present)
1 |
2012 |
3.39 |
1.31 |
Sept. 17 |
2 |
2016 2007 |
4.14 4.15 |
1.60 1.60 |
Sept. 10 Sept. 18 |
4 |
2011 |
4.34 |
1.67 |
Sept. 11 |
5 |
2015 |
4.43 |
1.71 |
Sept. 9 |
6 |
2008 |
4.59 |
1.77 |
Sept. 19 |
7 |
2010 |
4.62 |
1.78 |
Sept. 21 |
8 |
2017 |
4.64 |
1.79 |
Sept. 13 |
9 |
2014 |
5.03 |
1.94 |
Sept. 17 |
10 |
2013 |
5.05 |
1.94 |
Sept. 13 |
Pine Island Glacier wiki
Retreat of glaciers since 1850 wiki
The Little Ice Age was a period from about 1550 to 1850 when the world experienced relatively cooler temperatures compared to the present.
Subsequently, until about 1940, glaciers around the world retreated as the climate warmed substantially.
Glacial retreat slowed and even reversed temporarily, in many cases, between 1950 and 1980 as a slight global cooling occurred.
Post-glacial rebound wiki
"Glaciergate" refers to the controversy surrounding the inclusion of an unsubstantiated and inaccurate claim that Himalayan glaciers could melt by 2035 in the ...
The Greenland ice sheet (Greenlandic: Sermersuaq) is a vast body of ice covering 1,710,000 square kilometres (660,000 sq mi), roughly 80% of the surface of ...
This is the Greenland data
It has a link to downloadable (FTP) data
Here is the data better plotted than there. Note that the data ends about 1905 so it needs to be continued with the thermometer record.
No 1 above shows the instability until 11000 years ago (=9000 BC) and stability since
No 2, 3 show the stable period. The present is MUCH COLDER than most of the last 10000 years
No 4 shows the recent (historical) period.
The data in the ice stops around AD 1905, So one needs to add about 0.8C for the 20-th century, but we are still very low, about 1.5C lower than the medieval high (AD 1050)
NOTE When NOAA put this online they figured that people would look only at the subject of the paper, the UNSTABLE Younger Dryas period.
However it shows clearly the STABLE period since,
as well as the dip in the data Medieval High -> Little Ice Age->Present,
which contradicts the hockey stick.
comparison Greenland with Vostok the last 120,000 yrs
wiss Glaciers - VAW / SCNAT Glacier Monitoring Network
Glacier length variation. The measurement of length fluctuation are carried out annually on the glacier tongues of all larger and on many of the smaller glaciers ...
Himalayan Glaciers Not Melting | The Resilient Earth 11/13/2009
According to a flurry of recent reports by the BBC and other mass media, the glaciers in the Himalayan mountains are melting at a furious pace.
Our glaciers are growing, not melting ... More falsehoods from Al Gore. ... passing reference to the IPCC’s fraudulent claims that the Himalayan glaciers will all ...
Glaciers growing in the Rocky Mountains | The Next Grand ... Nov 3, 2011
As a result, some glaciers and snowfields are growing. In Montana's Glacier National Park, in Colorado's Front Range, in Wyoming's Grand ...
The Himalayas and nearby peaks have lost no ice in past 10 ... 8 February 2012
Global climate change panel admits error - Hindustan Times Sep 19, 2013
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), whose findings have ... Chetan Chauhan,
A leaked draft report of the IPCC interpreting monsoon data since 1980s says that India will ...
Glaciers Growing in Alaska - Ice Age Now May 7, 2013
“Longtime heli ski guides told me that many glaciers are growing, most ... 5 May 2013
I just got word from my friend in Alaska that it snowed ...
They're Not Melting: 87% of Himalayan Glaciers Are 'Stable' Cybercast News Service May 13, 2014
(CNSNews.com) -- Nearly 87 percent of Himalayan glaciers are ... Melting of the polar ice caps, the Greenland Ice Sheet and glaciers “are ...
Guest Blogger by E. Calvin Beisner and J.C. Keister
Ultimately, the result is that the IPCC and other models overestimate the amount of warmth in this region, Kapnick said.
No More Glaciers in Glacier National Park by 2020? March 2, 2009
Anne Minard National Geographic News
Last glaciers in Glacier National Park gone by 2020 ... Jun 11, 2009
By Geoff Morgan New research from Glacier National Park, Montana, indicates that the park’s glaciers are disappearing at faster rate than previously believed. Dr. Dan Fagre, of the United States Geological Survey, has studied the glaciers and ecology of Glacier National Park since 1991, and is now suggesting that all glaciers in the national ...
Glacier Park's ice fields may be gone by next decade ... Jun 14, 2009
But, because temperatures are warming at a more rapid rate than a few years ago, glaciers could disappear by 2020, Fagre said. In 1900, about 150 glaciers lay in what is now the national park.
Glacier Park’s ice may disappear by 2030 | Montana ... Jun 14, 2009
But, because temperatures are warming at a more rapid rate than a few years ago, glaciers could disappear by 2020, Fagre said. In 1900, about 150 glaciers lay in what is now the national park.
Doomed Glacier National Park Update | The Deplorable ... Mar 01, 2018
· Experts have been telling us for 100 years that Glacier National Park is doomed by 1948, 2002, 2020 and 2044. For now, Montana is buried in deep snow due to “relentless winter.” Relentless winter brings state of emergency to Montana reservations | The Spokesman-Review. Ice gone by 1948 : 29 Dec 1923, Page 5 – at Newspapers.com. Ice gone ...
Polar Caps
Sea ice extent is a measurement of the area of ocean where there is at least some sea ice. Usually, scientists define a
threshold of minimum concentration to mark the ice edge; the most common cutoff is at 15 percent.
The plots and color-coded maps are chosen to provide information about the current state of the sea ice cover and how the most current daily data available compare with the record lows and record highs for the same date during the satellite era. Sea ice concentration is the percent areal coverage of ice within the data element (grid cell). Sea ice extent is the integral sum of the areas of all grid cells with at least 15% ice concentration, while sea ice area is the integral sum of the product of ice concentration and area of all grid cells with at least 15% ice concentration. The dashed vertical line indicates the date of the latest plotted and mapped data.
An "ice-free" Arctic Ocean is often defined as "having less than 1 million square kilometers of sea ice", because it is very difficult to melt the thick ice around the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The IPCC AR5 defines "nearly ice-free conditions" as sea ice extent less than 106 km2 for at least five consecutive years.
NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally said: “At this rate, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012, much faster than previous ...
Are the Polar Ice Caps Melting? NOAA's Monthly Weather Review of November 1922.
The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce
Department yesterday from Consul Ifft, at Bergen, Norway. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers, he declared, all point to a radical change in climate
conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met with as far north as 81 degrees
29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones,
the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared. Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while
vast shoals of herring and smelts, which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds.
Polar Sea Ice Cap and Snow - Cryosphere Today
Polar Arctic and Antarctic sea ice cap and snow cover current conditions. ... N. hemispheric ice area. Northern Hemisphere sea ice area ..
Sea Ice Watts
The cryoshere today
Antarctica Lake Vostok 500,000 years
Wieslaw Maslowski is a research professor at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California since 2009. He obtained his PhD from the University of ...
Dr Wieslaw Maslowski predicted a 2013 Ice Free Summer Arctic five ...
We speak to Wieslaw Maslowski about his prediction that by the summer of 2013, we will have completely lost ice cover in the Arctic. Dr. Maslowski says that
the complete loss of summer ice may actually happen sooner.
Arctic sea ice delusions strike the Mail on Sunday and Telegraph ...
Sep 9, 2013 - Both Rose and Dixon referenced a 2007 BBC article quoting Professor Wieslaw Maslowski saying that the Arctic could be ice free in the ...
The $1,000 bet on "Ice free Arctic"
On, Wednesday, 12 December 2007, the BBC published an article entitled...
Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013'
David South (Professor, School of Forestry and Wildlife Science, Auburn University)
will bet $1000 that the amount of Arctic sea ice during 2013 (or at any time between 2007 and Jan, 2014) will not be less than 50,000 square km.
I am looking for a scientist who is willing to bet money on predictions of arctic sea ice.
Tweet. Arctic Methane: Why The Sea Ice Matters. Methane Hydrates: Hazard or Resource. site designed ...
NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally said: “At this rate, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ... BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013′.
The two polar regions are usually identified as key regions for monitoring global climate change, because the surface air temperature is expected to increase ...
The two polar regions are usually identified as key regions for monitoring global climate change, because the surface air temperature is expected to increase ...
One of the earliest and consistent predictions of global warming theory is that the polar regions would increase in temperature to a far greater degree than the ...
The Antarctic ice sheet is one of the two polar ice caps of the Earth. It covers about 98% of the Antarctic continent and is the largest single mass of ice on Earth.
Ice sheet wiki
World Wide Fund for Nature
The polar regions of the Earth are where climate change is having the most visible and significant impacts. Sea ice and freshwater glacial ice are melting, the ...
World Wide Fund for Nature
The Arctic is warming at a rate of almost twice the global average. ... A Norwegian Polar Institute and WWF-Canon scientific expedition is collecting critical data ...
Temperature in Polar regions: Arctic and Antarctic. List of contents. General; Arctic temperature change; Antarctic temperature change; Recent temperature changes …
The polar regions of the Earth are where climate change is having the most visible and significant impacts. Sea ice and freshwater glacial ice are melting, the permafrost continues to thaw and release even more greenhouse gases and many species are find it increasingly hard to adapt to the escalating changes.
Antarctic sea ice wiki
Al Gore ice-free by 2013
Richard Alley ice-free by 2016.
Little change in Antarctic ice sheets is expected over the next 50 years, although longer-term behavior-including that of West Antarctic ice-remains uncertain, and ...
In Antarctica, temperatures are so low that comparatively little surface melting occurs on the continental ice sheet; ice loss is mainly by iceberg calving, the rates of which are determined by dynamic processes involving long response times (thousands of years). Even if Antarctica were to warm in the future, its mass balance is expected to become more positive: The rise in temperature would be insufficient to initiate melt but would increase snowfall (IPCC 1996, WG II, Section 7.4). Little change in Antarctic ice sheets is expected over the next 50 years, although longer-term behavior-including that of West Antarctic ice-remains uncertain, and some instability is possible.
(1998a) indicate that the accumulation rate for the East Antarctic ice sheet surface has increased by a rate of 1.9 mm yr-1 (water equivalent) over the period ...
San Jose State University
Tornado Alley USA ... The idea of melting the Arctic ice cap goes back at to 1877 when Harvard ... The increased rainfall due to the ice-free Arctic would, according to Borisov, lead to higher rates of production at existing hydroelectric plants.
The West Antarctic Ice Sheet has many subglacial lakes beneath it; geothermal heating is thought to contribute to the melting of the base of the West Antarctic Ice ...
Before November 1956, there was no permanent human structure at the South Pole, and very little human presence in the interior of Antarctica at all. The few scientific stations in Antarctica were located on and near its seacoast. The station has been continuously occupied since it was built. The Amundsen–Scott Station has ...
Location in Antarctica: Geographic South Pole, ...
Elevation: 2,835 m (9,301 ft)
Named for: Roald Amundsen and Robert F. Scott
Established: November 1956
The new station included a modular design, to accommodate an increasing station population, and an adjustable elevation, in order to prevent the station from being buried in snow. In a location where about 20 centimetres (8 in) of snow accumulates every year without ever thawing,[13][14] the building's rounded corners and edges help reduce snow drifts.
The climate of Antarctica is the coldest on Earth. Antarctica's lowest air temperature record was set on 21 July 1983, with −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F) at Vostok Station.
Vostok Station (Russian: ста́нция восто́к, translit. Stántsiya Vostók, pronounced, literally "Station East") is a Russian (formerly Soviet) research station in inland Princess Elizabeth Land, Antarctica. Founded om 1957
Monitoring Arctic sea ice and everything that influences it, as an extension of the ... JAXA (ADS-NIPR) sea ice extent daily data; Cryosphere Today Arctic sea ice ...
Arctic Graphs: Arctic Sea Ice Extent – 15% or greater: National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC) – click to use their interactive extent graph generator.
The Deplorable Climate Science Blog
An average of 6.5 inches of snow falls on Antarctica, and most of that snow falls across the outer portions of the continent. The interior receives as little as 1 inch per year, while the coast often receives yards of snow.
By Year
Evidence from Antarctic ice cores for recent increases in snow accumulation Nature 07 November 1991
Nature 358, 316 - 319 (23 July 1992);
Antarctic ice volume and contribution to sea-level fall at 20,000 yr BP from raised beaches
E. A. Colhoun*, M. C. G. Mabin†, D. A. Adamson‡ & R. M. Kirk§
*Department of Geography, University of Newcastle, University Drive,Callaghan, Newcastle NSW 2308, Australia
†Department of Geography, James Cook University of North Queensland,Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australia
‡School of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, North Ryde, New South Wales 2113, Australia
§Department of Geography, University of Canterbury,Christchurch 1, New Zealand
THE contribution of the Antarctic ice sheets to global sea-level fall at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) depends largely on how the extent and thickness of peripheral ice changed. Model studies1–3 suggest that there was widespread thickening (from 500 m to more than 1,000 m) of the ice-sheet margins, sufficient to induce a drop in sea level of at least 25 m. Geological evidence4,5, on the other hand, indicates only limited ice expansion and a sea-level fall of just 8 m. Here we use recent data on the altitudes and ages of raised beaches from the Ross embayment and East Antarctica to investigate the timing and extent of Antarctic deglaciation. These indicate that the ice margin during the LGM was thinner and less extensive than has been formerly thought, and that its contribution to the drop in sea level was only 0.5–2.5 m. Deglaciation was well advanced by 10 kyr BP and was complete by 6 kyr BP. These findings imply either that sea level during the LGM fell less than present estimates suggest, or that an ice volume considerably greater than currently accepted must have been present in the Northern Hemisphere.
Is the Antarctic ice sheet growing?
SS Jacobs - 1992 - nature.com
Nature 360, 29 - 33 (05 November 1992); doi:10.1038/360029a0
A common public perception is that global warming will accelerate the melting of polar ice sheets, causing sea level to rise. A common scientific position is that the volume of grounded Antarctic ice is slowly growing, and will damp future sea-level rise. At present, studies supporting recent shrinkage or growth depend on limited measurements that are subject to high temporal and regional variability, and it is too early to say how the Antarctic ice sheet will behave in a warmer world
Rapid sea-level rise soon from West Antarctic ice sheet collapse?
CR Bentley - Science, 1997 - search.proquest.com
... The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Second Scientific Assessment of Climate ...
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Contribution of Working ...
CR Bentley and MB Giovinetto, in International Conference on the Role of the ...
IS Stewart, J Sauber, J Rose - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2000 - Elsevier
The last decade has witnessed a significant growth in our understanding of the past and
continuing effects of ice sheets and glaciers on contemporary crustal deformation and
seismicity. This growth has been driven largely by the emergence of postglacial rebound ...
by KE Fishbaugh - 2001
revised May 17, 2001. New high-resolution data ... the polar cap deposits in map view (which include both the lay- ered terrain and ...
University Of California Santa Cruz
The stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet has long been a concern because of the potentially catastrophic rise in sea level that would result from its collapse. Researchers at UCSC and NASA now report that, contrary to previous studies, at least one part of the ice sheet is actually growing rather than shrinking.
Rapid Bottom Melting Widespread near Antarctic Ice Sheet Grounding Lines 14 Jun 2002:
Science 14 Jun 2002: Vol. 296, Issue 5575, pp. 2020-2023
Abstract. Recent advances in the determination of the mass balance of polar ice sheets show that the Greenland Ice Sheet is losing mass by near-coastal ...
After gathering data on Greenland for more than a decade, ESA scientists have reported that the island’s ice sheet is actually growing at its interior. Data ...
Continental glaciers and ice fields* 87,000 (± 10,000) [1] ... Total world ice ... the mass of this ice is equal to that of the water it displaces ...
Snowfall-driven growth in East Antarctic ice sheet mitigates recent sea-level rise
CH Davis, Y Li, JR McConnell, MM Frey… - Science, 2005 - science.sciencemag.org
... some of the mass loss from other terrestrial ice sources and their contributions to global ... for
Antarctica's likely response to a warming global climate (6). However, the IPCC prediction does ...
where recent dynamic changes may be occurring (4). Thus, the overall contribution of the ...
Cited by 289 Related articles All 12 versions Web of Science: 151 Cite Save
The Antarctic ice sheet and sea level rise
C Rapley - Avoiding dangerous climate change, 2006 - researchgate.net
... note that:'Although both observations are consistent with the IPCC pre- diction for Antarctica's
likely response ... the interior and those in coastal areas.' 3.4 Summary (a) The East Antarctic Ice
Sheet is ... apparently as a result of increased precipitation, as predicted by the IPCC TAR. ...
Cited by 33 Related articles All 5 versions Cite Save
Mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet
DJ Wingham, A Shepherd… - … of the Royal …, 2006 - rsta.royalsocietypublishing.org
... sink of ocean mass sufficient to lower global sea levels by 0.08 mm yr −1 . The IPCC third
assessment ... Church & Gregory 2001) partially offset an ongoing sea-level rise due to Antarctic
retreat since ... to a sea level contribution of −0.3–+0.1 mm yr −1 and so Antarctica has provided …
Himalayan Glaciers Not Shrinking
Glacial Experts Question Theory of Global Warming
15 Feb 07 - See Himalayan Glaciers Not Shrinking
Gore Nobel lecture Dec 210, 2007
Last September 21, as the Northern Hemisphere tilted away from the sun, scientists reported with unprecedented distress that the North Polar ice cap is "falling off a cliff." One study estimated that it could be completely gone during summer in less than 22 years. Another new study, to be presented by U.S. Navy researchers later this week, warns it could happen in as little as 7 years.
Seven years from now.
And most important of all, we need to put a price on carbon – with a CO2 tax that is then rebated back to the people, progressively, according to the laws of each nation, in ways that shift the burden of taxation from employment to pollution. This is by far the most effective and simplest way to accelerate solutions to this crisis.
A doubling in snow accumulation in the western Antarctic Peninsula since 1850. Geophysical Research Leters, 35, L01706, doi:10.1029/2007GL032529. No Comments
Deep freeze in western Greenland 15 Feb 08
The ice between Canada and southwestern Greenland has reached its highest level in 15 years.
How Many Earth Days Do We Have Left? April 21, 2008
Lester Brown, author of <i>Plan B 3.0</i>, shows us how we can change in enough time to save life on earth, as we know it.
By Terrence McNally / AlterNet
PDF] West Antarctic Ice Sheet (Mass Balance) Summary Oct 1, 2008
2 West Antarctic Ice Sheet (Mass Balance) – Summary s the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) growing or shrinking? Climate alarmists would have everyone believe …
Global Warming Bypasses Alaska as Glaciers Grow | NewsBusters Oct 19, 2008
It looks like Mother Nature just hasn't gotten the word from the global warming alarmists. Instead of warming up and shrinking the Alaskan ...
Scandinavian nation reverses trend, mirrors results in Alaska, elsewhere. After years of decline, glaciers in Norway are again growing, reports ...
Byron Parizek, Penn State DuBois assistant professor of mathematics and geoscience,
Is Antarctica losing or gaining ice? - Skeptical Science by M Bevis - 2009
Antarctic sea ice is growing despite a strongly warming Southern Ocean. ... ice mass loss one should be able to measure a 7mm decrease in the ice thickness.
Interhemispheric coupling, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and warm Antarctic interglacials Clim. Past, 6, 431-443, 2010
P. B. Holden1, N. R. Edwards1, E. W. Wolff2, N. J. Lang2, J. S. Singarayer3, P. J. Valdes3, and T. F. Stocker4
Growing Glaciers 18 Jul 09
Glaciers growing on Mt. Shasta - Record snowfall to spur even more growth .... A few weeks ago I ran an article about Alaska's Hubbard Glacier ...
Computer model documents the history of the West Antarctic ice sheet August 26, 2009
Penn State News One major threat of planetary warming is the melting of the great polar ice sheets. Particularly worrisome to researchers is the fragility
of the West Antarctic ice sheet, or WAIS. David Pollard,
a senior research scientist at Penn State, and Robert M. DeConto, professor of climatology at
the University of Massachusetts, have created a computer model of WAIS's last 5 million years.
"One of the next steps is to determine if human activity will make it warm enough to start the collapse," said Pollard.
Glaciers and Climate Change - The EPA Blog Sep 10, 2009
United States Environmental Protection Agency
- “Are glaciers melting at alarming rates?” “Is climate change really happening?” I have been asked these questions by people and students ...
$49.00 - In stock
Scientific evidence shows that most glaciers in South Asia's Hindu Kush Himalayan region are retreating, but the consequences for the region's water supply are ...
Is Antarctica Melting? Erik Conway 1.12.10
Bro. Rajendra Pachauri’s U.N. IPCC meltdown Peter Foster Finanacial Post January 20, 2010
Vice-President Al Gore 'Cutting' A Secret Freemason Recognition Handsign
The Himalayan Glaciers will still be around in 2035, contrary to oft-repeated alarmist claims by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Whether the IPCC’s head, Rajendra Pachauri, whose credibility is melting faster than the proverbial snowball in Hades, will make it to his next paycheque is another matter.
With Climategate still simmering and the collapse of Copenhagen reverberating, a fresh storm has blown up over the discovery that the IPCC’s claim that Himalayan glaciers
were about to disappear is entirely bogus.
“If the present rate [of melting] continues,” said the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report in 2007, “the likelihood of them disappearing by the year 2035 and perhaps sooner is very high.”
There was no significant questioning of this claim until late last year, when the Indian government published a discussion paper that pointed out that there was in fact no sign of any
“abnormal” retreat in the Himalayan glaciers. India’s environment minister Jairam Ramesh accused the IPCC of being “alarmist.”
Doing what he has traditionally done in such circumstances, Mr. Pachauri proceeded to smear the messengers and pontificate about the IPCC’s high “peer-reviewed” scientific standards.
He denounced the research paper as “voodoo science.” He accused Minister Ramesh of “arrogance.” He said that such skeptical claims were reminiscent of “climate change deniers.”
Senior members of the UN's climate science body admit a claim that Himalayan glaciers could melt away by 2035 was unfounded.
Probing Question: How fast are the polar ice sheets melting? Penn State News April 1, 2010
The massive ice sheets that blanket Greenland and Antarctica are shrinking, according to Penn State geophysicist Sridhar Anandakrishnan,
but understanding how quickly will require a better grasp of glacier dynamics. Anandakrishnan has traveled to Antarctica 17 times in the
past 25 years to study glacial ice streams, frozen rivers of ice that flow from the center of an ice sheet and out to sea. These streams can be
up to 100 miles in length, a mile deep and 50 miles wide, and most of the melting ice flows through them.
Here´s how GISS temperature appears when comparing 1991 to 2009 for the Arctic Polar region: Fig3 The Arctic melt season is mostly June ...
Scientists aim to find out why an Alaska glacier is ignoring all climate signals as it advances to the sea--and what that means for sea levels around the world.
By Nathan Rice and The Daily Climate
http://www.ipcc.ch/ipccreports/tar/wg2/index.php?idp=593 May 27, 2011
Most of the Antarctic ice sheet is likely to thicken as a result of increased precipitation [IPCC[
Arctic sea ice is melting at its fastest pace in almost 40 years ... Sep 11, 2011
The Northwest Passage was, again, free of ice this summer and the polar region could be unfrozen in just 30 years.
Global Warming is not only NOT a hoax, but it is about 10,000 ... Feb 8, 2012
Norway's glaciers growing at record pace. The face of the Briksdal ... FRANCE Mt. Blanc - See Mont Blanc Glacier almost doubles in size. ECUADOR ....
edit on 3/1/2013 by Mez353 because: iceagenow.info... reply posted on ...
Antarctic Ice has been increasing for the last half century, and over ...... Hmm. Are you really saying that the total mass of antarctic land ice is ...
Whatever Happened to Global COOling? R BRUGGE - Wiley Online Library Apr 30, 2012
One cannot entirely blame politicians who Seem to hesitate about taking any action over
global warming. In 1984 an early ice. age was forecast by the Climatic Research Unit at East
Anglia (Guardian), though to be fair they said it was probably at least 3ooo years away. ...
Robert W. Felix: Not by Fire, but by Ice...a 21st Century Ice Age ... May 6, 2012 - 61 min
About the euro, and global warming, it turns out the 'thought criminals' were right 19 May 2012
The othodox dogma about the EU and about climate change is rapidly collapsing.
The global warming scare has not continued to unfold as projected by those bent computer models on which it rested. Temperatures have not risen as predicted,
the ice caps aren’t melting, nor sea levels rising, nor hurricanes, droughts and heatwaves intensifying as we were assured they would.
3:21 Little Ice Age, Global Cooling, Quadrupolar - YouTube May 23, 2012
Global Warming or a New Ice Age: Documentary Film Jun 22, 2012
Another Alaska Glacier Advancing Jul 31, 2012
"This can be seen at the Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau," says reader. "This year the leading edge is growing by 1.5 – 2 feet per day."
Arctic warming linked to combination of reduced sea ice and global warming Jul 6, 2012
New Study Thoroughly Debunks Global Warming, Will Media Notice ... Jul 11, 2012
It would be consistent with the pattern to enter a decade or more of cooler global temperatures that might
likely pull the white average line down ...
No Threats of Global Warming for the Earth July 17, 2012
L Ghitiu - Available at SSRN 2111197, 2012 - papers.ssrn.com
Abstract: Besides, no global cooling endangers the Earth as well, whether it will be a new
ice age or any other form of abrupt temperature decrease on the globe. The problem lies in
the fact, that the Earth is threatened by both of them at ones. Using a favorite expression of ...
The Story Behind Record Ice Loss in Greenland | Climate Central Jul 25, 2012
Authors: Scambos, T.A.; Frezzotti, M.; Haran, T.; Bohlander, J.; Lenaerts, J.T.M.; Van Den Broeke, M.R.; Jezek, K.; Long, D.; Urbini, S.; Farness, K.; Neumann, T.; Albert, M.; Winther, J.-G.
Journal of Glaciology, Volume 58, Number 210
NASA's Greenland ice complete meltdown claim: The scientific hoax ... Jul 30, 2012
On one hand NASA calls it 'unprecedented' and in the same breath they ... Anthony Watts, a noted climate sceptic and the author of the Watts ....
Aam Admi Party: Dilemma of accepting current political practices? .... per life to the max Sum Assured (SA) which in this case is 49 lacs". .... (Upto 1000 characters) ...
Fact-checking the climate change apocalypse - Los Angeles Times Aug 2, 2012
Last week, NASA announced that 97% of Greenland's vast ice sheet had undergone at least some surface melting this summer, compared with ...
Global Cooling & New Ice Age UK Aug 3, 2012
Don't Panic! Arctic Ice Hits 'Record' Low!? Climate Depot Explains Arctic melting hype August 27, 2012 By Marc Morano
Here is a very small sampling of past Arctic ice scares when Arctic was in warm cycle:
1922: 'Extraordinary warmth in the Arctic during the last few years' -- Polar ice sheet to melt down? -- Scientists astonished by Arctic warming. Northern United States to become “sub-tropical.”
1923 Shock News: 'Radical' Climate Change Melting Down The North Pole
1935: Russian Ship Sailed 500 Miles From The North Pole In Ice-Free Water catastrophic proportions and people living in lowlands along their shores would be inundated...temps in Arctic had increased
10 deg. F since 1900–an 'enormous' rise'
Flashback 1947 : International Agency Needed To Stop The Arctic Meltdown: Same story – different millennium -- 'May 30 1947.-The possibility of a prodigious rise in the surface of ocean with resultant
widespread inundation if Antarctic ice regions and the major Greenland icecap should reduce at same rate as present melting in Arctic...'
July 4, 1907: Arctic Heat Record – Hottest Place In Europe
Mass gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet greater than losses ... Aug 28, 2012
Welcome to Catholic ... but I suddenly feel a need to reveal that I stated this news about the Antarctic ice ... Mass gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet greater than …
Important paper strongly suggests man-made CO2 is not the driver ... Aug 30, 2012
Instead, just as in the ice cores, CO2 levels are found to be a lagging effect ocean warming, not significantly related to man-made emissions, ...
Extraordinarily low ice levels indicate the summer sea ice has passed a point of no return.
ICESAT Data Shows Mass Gains of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Exceed ... Sep 10, 2012
I'm not a scientist, but I believe they measured the gain in height from satellites, converting that to a mass figure from know snow-and-ice water ...
snopes.com: John Coleman on Global Warming Sep 11, 2012
What an amazing fraud; what a scam. ... There is no significant man made global warming. ...
Through all history, Earth has shifted between two basic climate regimes: ice ages and
what paleoclimatologists call "Interglacial ...
America needs a break from 'Chicken Little science' Sep 17, 2012
The Chicken Little ice age never arrived. ... controls the climate and must be drastically reduced to prevent a global warming Armageddon.
Another Antarctic Ice Record | Real Science Sep 17, 2012
Now when GRACE says Antartic is actually gaining mass, not loosing it, alarmist says, no, its only snow, antarctic is still loosing ice. they are so ...
Antarctic Sea Ice Sets Another Record - Forbes Sep 19, 2012
Will the mainstream media retract stories about ice levels falling?
GRACE satellite data shows Antarctica is gaining ice mass Sep 20, 2012
GRACE satellite data shows Antarctica is gaining ice mass. Antarctica is home to 90% of the world's ice mass. Although Antarctic sea ice is ...
Last week, ocean physicist Peter Wadhams told the Guardian that global warming was driving a "collapse" in the Arctic sea ice. "This collapse, I predicted would occur in 2015-16 at which time the summer Arctic
(August to September) would become ice-free," he said. "The final collapse towards that state is now happening and will probably be complete by those dates."
While Arctic melts, Antarctic ice hits record. Is warming debunked ... Sep 21, 2012
Distracting from the news that Arctic sea-ice extent reached a record low on Sept.16 is a widely circulating blog article claiming that at the ...
Antarctic sea ice reaches greatest extent so late in season, 2nd ... Sep 28, 2012
Almost two weeks ago, Arctic sea ice extent shrank to a stunning record low.
Yet, at the other end of the planet, Anarctic sea ice is nearing or ...
[HTML] Record Antarctica Ice Contradicts Global Warming Trend Sep 30, 2012
KP September - Icarus, 2012 - sodahead.com
“Anyone wonder why NOAA isn't making a fuss about this?” adds the website Sunshine Hours. [They aren't mentioning it because it more
than balances the melting of Arctic sea ice and blows a big hole in their AGW theory! 70% of the world's fresh water, and 90% of it's ...
Arctic sea ice shatters previous low records; Antarctic sea ice edges to record high Oct 2, 2012
The Skeptics Are Thrashing The Alarmists In The Global Warming ... Forbes Oct 4, 2012
See Velicogna I. Increasing rates of ice mass loss from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets revealed by GRACE. Geophysical Research ...
Antarctic ice expands against odds by: Graham Lloyd he Australian Oct 6, 2012
ANTARCTIC sea ice has expanded to cover the largest area recorded since satellite mapping began more than three
decades ago, in stark contrast to this year's record melt on the northern pole.
The expansion continues a trend of increasing Antarctic sea ice cover of about 1 per cent a decade and is at odds with
predictions of climate change models that continue to forecast a long-term decline.
Polar Ice Is Melting … Or Is It? | International | World | Epoch Times Oct 8, 2012
Despite that polar ice melt has been widely reported for years, getting to the bottom of what is actually going on with the icecaps is not a ...
Experts: Global warming means more Antarctic ice - Spokesman ...Oct 10, 2012
Global Climate Scam » Archive for Ice Previous Entries. Oct 11 2012
The Himalayas and Nearby Peaks have Lost No Ice in Past 10 Years, Study Shows. Posted by Dan McGrath in Ice, IPCC, ...
Here’s Why Scientists Are Claiming Global Warming Means More Ice for Antarctica October 12, 2012
As the North Pole loses ice, the South Pole has been gaining it. Antarctic sea ice hit a record 7.51 million square miles in September.
Growing Glaciers | Ice Age Now Oct 13, 2012
“Now there’s more ice at South Pole than ever,” headlines the Daily Mail. “(So much for global warming thawing Antarctica!)”
Polar temperature sensitivity to lunar forcing? - Wiley Online Library › Dec 20, 2012
by JA Shaffer - 1997 Vol 24 Issue 1
– Climate models and paleoclimatic evidence suggest that the earth's polar regions are particularly responsive to global scale climatic forcing.
Mass Gains of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Exceed Losses
by Robbins, John; Bromwich, David; Li, Jun; more...
07/2012 eBook: Full Text Online
Mass Gains of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Exceed Losses
by Li, Jun; Yi, Donghui; Robbins, John; more...
07/2012 Conference Proceeding: Full Text Online
O'Leary, M. J., Hearty, P. J., Thompson, W. G., Raymo, M. E. & Mitrovica, J. X. Ice sheet collapse following a prolonged period of stable sea level during the last interglacial. Nature Geosci . 6, 796–800 (2013)
Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with ... Feb 5, 2013
Arctic sea ice extent for January 2013 was well below average, largely due to extensive open water in the Barents Sea and near Svalbard.
Danish Meteorological Institute Records Lowest Arctic Temperatures In 9 Years! By P Gosselin Feb 20, 2013
ICE ON THE MOVE The acceleration of iceberg calving from Greenland's glaciers could level off by midcentury, researchers predict.
- Scientists have their best estimate yet for the amount of ice in Antarctica - 26-and-a-half-million cubic km.
Ice-shelf melting around Antarctica Science 19 Jul 2013:
E Rignot, S Jacobs, J Mouginot, B Scheuchl - Science, 2013 - science.sciencemag.org
Abstract We compare the volume flux divergence of Antarctic ice shelves in 2007 and 2008
with 1979 to 2010 surface accumulation and 2003 to 2008 thinning to determine their rates
of melting and mass balance. Basal melt of 1325±235 gigatons per year (Gt/year) exceeds ...
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook
About 160 years ago, before Europe began warming up, glaciers in the Alps started rapidly retreating. ...
Arctic Ice Cap Rebounds From 2012 — But Does That Matter? Sep 9, 2013
However, the long-term trend is one of rapid Arctic sea ice decline, and .... has been hijacked by those pushing "cap and trade" [youtube.com] who ...... are both effected by something called Polar Amplification [wikipedia.org], ...
Should they sue Sierra Club Canada for predicting an ice-free Arctic in 2013?
Is the North Pole now ice-free? It could well be that, by the time you read this, there will be no ice left at all at the North Pole.
- About 80 percent of the Antarctic sea ice growth can be explained by ..... See http://www.skepticalscience.com/antarctica-gaining-ice.htm .
Antarctic Temperature Trends | NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT Nov 8, 2013
- By Paul Homewood I wrote about an SPPI report on historical temperature trends in the Antarctic a few days ago. The report summarised ...
- See more at: http://notrickszone.com/2013/11/28/data-comparison-shows-giss-arctic-winter-temperature-trend-grossly-overblown-arctic-data-contaminated-flawed/#sthash.VuxPOD0h.dpuf
US Navy predicts summer ice free Arctic by 2016 Dec 9, 2013
Gore Blames Global Cooling on Carbon by Sherwood Forrest December 10, 2013
The End of the Arctic? Ocean Could be Ice Free by 2015 ... The Daily Beast Dec 13, 2013
Say goodbye to polar bears and a whole lot of ice. New research suggests the Arctic Ocean could be ice-free by 2015, with devastating …
Say goodbye to polar bears and a whole lot of ice. New research suggests the Arctic Ocean could be ice-free in summer by 2015, with ...
Tweet ... It was only five years ago in December that Al Gore claimed that the polar ice caps would be completely melted by now. But he ...
Al Gore Forecasted “Ice-Free” Arctic by 2013; Ice Cover ... Dec 18, 2013
In September, meanwhile, data also showed that sea ice levels in Antarctica had expanded to record levels for the second year in a row.
C3: Those Stubborn Facts: 35-Year Cooling of South Pole ... Dec 19, 2013
Antarctica south pole cooling 35 years satellite co2 those stubborn facts ... opposite - literally a cooling temperature trend over the last 35 years.
'Stuck in our own experiment': Leader of trapped team insists polar ice is melting Fox News Dec 30, 2013
The leader of a scientific expedition whose ship remains stranded in Antarctica bristled at the suggestion that there was irony in setting out to ...
The first mechanism is hydrofracturing due to increased surface melt.
The second, working in tandem, is structural failure of vertical ice cliffs.The ice-sheet model produces large ∼17 m sea-level rise with past warm climates.
This can explain (albeit uncertain) geologic data of past ∼20 m sea-level rises.
E Rignot, J Mouginot, M Morlighem… - Geophysical …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract We measure the grounding line retreat of glaciers draining the Amundsen Sea
sector of West Antarctica using Earth Remote Sensing (ERS-1/2) satellite radar
interferometry from 1992 to 2011. Pine Island Glacier retreated 31 km at its center, with ...
Paul R. Holland, Nicolas Bruneau, Clare Enright, Martin Losch, Nathan T. Kurtz, and Ron Kwok, 2014: Modeled Trends in Antarctic Sea Ice Thickness. J. Climate, 27, 3784–3801.
Paul R. Holland and Nicolas Bruneau* British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Clare Enright Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom
Martin Losch Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany
Nathan T. Kurtz NASA Goddard Space Science Center, Greenbelt, Maryland
Ron Kwok Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California
The model suggests that overall Antarctic sea ice volume has increased by approximately
30 km3 yr−1 (0.4% yr−1) as an equal result of areal expansion (20 × 103 km2 yr−1 or 0.2% yr−1)
and thickening (1.5 mm yr−1 or 0.2% yr−1).
You Can Guess How Fox Covered The Research Ship That Got Caught In Antarctic Ice Jan. 2, 2014,
This was no Antarctic pleasure cruise : Nature News ... Nature Jan 6, 2014
After his polar vessel became trapped in shifting sea ice, Chris Turney defends the scientific basis of the expedition.
A Trip Too Far: The Chris Turney Antarctic Expedition by James H. Rust February 1, 2014
The volume of ice measured this autumn is about 50% higher ... As everyone here knows, the Antarctic ice is growing, not shrinking, and that's ...
How wind helps Antarctic sea ice grow, even as the Arctic ... The Conversation Mar 11, 2014
How wind helps Antarctic sea ice grow, even as the Arctic melts ... Amherst, Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State, Penn State, Rutgers Newark, ... “It's the rate of change that is quite alarming in these regions, with particular …
Paul R. Holland and Nicolas Bruneau* British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Clare Enright Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom
Martin Losch Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany
Nathan T. Kurtz NASA Goddard Space Science Center, Greenbelt, Maryland
Ron Kwok Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California . J. Climate, Volume 27, Issue 10 (May 2014), 3784–3801.
Unlike the rapid sea ice losses reported in the Arctic, satellite observations show an overall increase in Antarctic sea ice concentration over recent decades.
East Antarctic Ice Sheet - AntarcticGlaciers.org by B Davies May 3, 2014
The East Antarctic Ice Sheet is the largest of Antarctica's ice sheets, and has a very different behaviour to its counterparts.
The complete melting of a major section of west Antarctica's ice sheet appears inevitable, NASA expert reports.
Antarctica ice melt is ‘unstoppable’ MSNBC 05/12/14
Antarctic Melting Reports Omit Key Facts Larry Bell Newsmax Media May 19, 2014
Antarctica is a land of ice. But dive below the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, and you'll find fire as well, in the form of subglacial volcanoes.
A new study by researchers at the University of Texas, Austin found that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is collapsing due to geothermal heat not ...
A key glacier in the Antarctic is being melted by heat from volcanic activity on the ocean bed below it, researchers have revealed. Thwaites Glacier, a large, rapidly changing...
Fires linked to large-scale Greenland ice melt Jonathan Amos The Arctic Journal June 25, 2014
Daily Mail- Global warming computer models confounded as Antarctic sea ice hits new record high with 2.1million sq km more than is usual for time of year.
Antarctic Ice Shelf On Brink Of Unstoppable Melt That Could Raise Sea Levels For 10,000 Years Jul 05, 2014
Now there's more ice at South Pole than ever
(So much for global warming thawing Antarctica!) August 8, 2014
- “And of course, the Arctic volume is decreasing substantially through the loss of old ice. The Antarctic, which has very little old ice, hasn't much ...
Melting on the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet in June and July 2014 has been well above the 1981 to 2010 average in most areas, but after a fast start in May, the ...
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper shows ice mass stable ... Aug 29, 2014
Antarctic sea ice extent has recently hit record highs, but that too is being ... The Kemp land regions show an ice-mass gain that accounts for ...
ANTARCTIC sea ice has expanded to its greatest coverage since records began in 1978, continuing to confound climate scientists and proving even more hazardous than usual for shipping in the Southern Ocean.
- Pine Island Glacier is one of the fastest flowing glaciers in Antarctica, and ... This melts the ice shelf from below24, and this melting is probably ...
Sea ice surrounding Antarctica reached a new record high extent this year, covering more of the southern oceans than it has since scientists began a long-term ...
Antarctic overview and conditions NSIDC Sep 20 2014
While it is too soon to tell if sea ice around Antarctica has reached its annual maximum for the winter, it remained at record high daily levels for most of the year.
On September 19, the five-day average ice extent surpassed 20 million square kilometers (7.72 million square miles) for the first time in the satellite record.
Ice extent is above average in almost all sections of the Antarctic, particularly in the northern Ross Sea and Indian Ocean sectors. Near-average ice extent
occurs south of South America in the northern Bellingshausen Sea and in a small region south of Australia.
Springer Science+Business Media by WA van Wijngaarden
The resulting temperature change averaged over the Arctic stations was plotted. For the period 1820–2014, trends were found for the January, ...
Accelerated West Antarctic ice mass loss continues to outpace East Antarctic gains Christopher Harig ∗, Frederik J. Simons Department of Geosciences, Princeton University Earth and Planetary Science Letters 415 (2015) 134–141
ScienceDirect by D Pollard - 2015 Most of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) is grounded well below ... m if complete collapse occurred during earlier warm times (Alley et al., ...
avid Pollarda, , , Robert M. DeContob, Richard B. Alleya, c
In his 2007 Noble Prize acceptance speech, former Vice President Al Gore warned that the “Arctic ice could be gone in as little as seven years.
North and South Poles: Important Climate Differences Dr. Tim Ball February13, 2015
Flashback 2009: Kerry ridicules Inhofe on science, then predicts ice free Arctic summer in 5 years youtube Mar 10, 2015
Fast-spreading crack threatens giant Antarctic ice shelf ... Science News by TH Saey Jun 19, 2015
A fast-spreading crack threatens Larsen C, one of Antarctica's biggest ice shelves, satellite data suggest.
Antarctica is a beautiful and majestic continent. There is a purity about this land mass that you don't get anywhere else on the planet. It holds 90% of the world's ice and 70% of the world's fresh water. Antarctica is 1.5 times the land mass of the continental United States.
Study finds surprisingly high geothermal heating beneath ... University of California, Santa Cruz Jul 10, 2015
UCSC researchers lowered a geothermal probe through a borehole in the West Antarctic ice sheet to measure temperatures in the sediments ...
In addition to Fisher, Tulaczyk, and Tyler, the coauthors of the paper include Ken Mankoff, who earned his Ph.D. at UC Santa Cruz and is now at Pennsylvania State University, and current UCSC graduate student Neil Foley. This research was funded by the National Science Foundation.
by AT Fisher - 2015 - Cited by 11 - Related articles
- We report the first direct measurement of geothermal heat flux into the base of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), below Subglacial Lake ...
In what Hansen says is his most important paper on climate change, he claims glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica will melt 10 times faster than previous consensus estimates, resulting in sea level rise
of at least 10 feet in as little as 50 years.
Climate change skeptics may be about to lose one of their ... The Washington Post Jul 27, 2015
According to Hansen's thinking, expanding Antarctic sea ice is precisely what you would expect to see if the Antarctic continent itself is losing a …
July Analysis: Gore Ice-Free Arctic Fantasies Have Seen ... Aug 5, 2015
Wasn't Arctic sea ice spposed to be gone already in 2013? Al Gore predicted in 2008 that the Arctic would be completely ice-free by 2013!
Independent Filmmaker J.D. King Specializes in Exposing Radical Environmentalism. Head to his Kickstarter ...
Oceans would rise by over 50m sinking land inhabited by a billion people and changing the face of planet Earth, say scientists
Ricarda Winkelmann, at the Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, who led the research published in the journal Science Advances.
Mass gains of the Antarctic ice sheet exceed losses. H. Jay ZWALLY,1,2 Jun LI,3 John W. ROBBINS,4 Jack L. SABA,5 Donghui YI,3. Anita C. BRENNER6.
By Jon Austin
with Peter Sinclair More on Antarctic Ice Melt Richard Alley
phys.org › Earth › Earth Sciences
Annual snow accumulation on West Antarctica's coastal ice sheet increased dramatically during the 20th century, according to a new study published in the American ...
A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the ...
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center; NASA study: Mass gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet greater than losses Nov 18, 2015
Defense & Aerospace , Permalink
According to the new analysis of satellite data, the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001.
Newspaper Article: Full Text Online
J Li, HJ Zwally - Journal of Glaciology, 2015 - ingentaconnect.com
Variations in accumulation rate A s (t) and temperature T s (t) at the surface of firn cause
changes in the rate of firn compaction (FC) and surface height H (t) that do not involve
changes in mass, and therefore need to be accounted for in deriving mass changes from ...
HJ Zwally, J Li, JW Robbins, JL Saba, D Yi… - Journal of …, 2015 - ingentaconnect.com
Mass changes of the Antarctic ice sheet impact sea-level rise as climate changes, but recent rates have been uncertain. Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) data (2003–08)
show mass gains from snow accumulation exceeded discharge losses by 82±25 Gt a–1, ...
According to the new analysis of satellite data, the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed ...
What Antarctica's Incredible “Growing” Icepack Really Means National Geographic Society Nov 3, 2015
Are the Antarctic's ice sheets shrinking or growing? ... If all the ice in West Antarctica melts and slides into the sea, it is likely to contribute ...
NASA study: Mass gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet greater than losses Defense & Aerospace Week, 11/2015
... to the new analysis of satellite data, the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion...
Journal Article: Full Text Online
Gore also showed melting ice in the Arctic and Antarctic and mentioned the risks that sea level rise presents to coastal cities where billions of dollars of infrastructure are at risk.
GLOBAL WARMING? NASA says Antarctic has been COOLING for past SIX years Nov 28, 2015
ANTARCTIC temperatures have cooled over the past six years, according to US space agency NASA. By Jon Austi
Antarctic Ice Melting: Tamsin Edwards Responds to Richard Alley Posted by Greg Laden on December 15, 2015
NASA confirms that Antarctic ice mass is growing - Ice Age ... Jan 5, 2016
NASA confirms that Antarctic ice mass is growing. January 5, 2016 ... “The Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain.” ... January 6, 2016
From the “fresh melt water will disrupt the planet” department, except that this ongoing alarm has already been debunked by NASA, see: NASA refutes Mann and Rahmstorf – Finds Atlantic ‘Conveyor Belt’ Not Slowing Melting Greenland ice sheet may
affect global ocean circulation, future climate University of South Florida and international scientists find influx of freshwater…
Despite the impact climate change is having on Arctic sea ice, it will be decades before big cargo ships will be able to take an ice-free shortcut ...
Arctic shipping has decreased in recent years, from 1.3 metric tons in 2013 to 300,000 tons in 2014.
Table 1. Previous minimum Arctic sea ice extents
2006 |
5.77 |
2.28 |
September 17 |
2007 |
4.15 |
1.60 |
September 18 |
2008 |
4.59 |
1.77 |
September 20 |
2009 |
5.12 |
1.98 |
September 13 |
2010 |
4.61 |
1.78 |
September 21 |
2011 |
4.34 |
1.67 |
September 11 |
2012 |
3.39 |
1.31 |
September 17 |
2013 |
5.05 |
1.95 |
September 13 |
2014 |
5.03 |
1.94 |
September 17 |
2015 |
4.41 |
1.70 |
September 11 |
1979 to 2000 average |
6.70 |
2.59 |
September 13 |
1981 to 2010 average |
6.22 |
2.40 |
September 15 |
Arctic sea ice extent breaks record low for winter The Guardian March 28, 2016
Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly New York Times March 30, 2016
... global warming, and capable of raising the sea level by 12 feet or more should it break up.
Antarctica at Risk of Runaway Melting, Scientists Discover … Climate Central March 30, 2016
The same models showed that Antarctica's ice sheet would remain largely ... Hansen's 52-page academic treatise, published in the journal ...
What was the Arctic like six to 10 million years ago? Drilling on the Lomonosov Ridge has revealed that summers in …
'Fundamentally unstable': Scientists confirm their fears about East Antarctica's biggest glacier Washington Post - May 18, 2016
Disappearing Glaciers In 1910 onyheller Aug 23, 2016
Scientists fear for deepening crack on Antarctic ice shelf the size of Scotland ug 23, 2016
Experts said Arctic sea ice would melt entirely by September 2016 ... Oct 8, 201
6 ... However, far from record lows, this year the Arctic has seen the quickest refreeze ever recorded with the extent of sea ice growing 405,000 ...
1000 Miles Of Ice Growth In 12 Days | The Deplorable Climate ... January 4, 2017
by tonyheller. One week ago, our top government funded experts announced that the Barents ...
Global sea ice records broken (again) - Arctic Sea Ice Jan 13, 2017
... In other words, the recent growth in Antarctic sea ice offsets the loss of ... to the 2016/2017 freezing season thread on the Arctic Sea Ice Forum.
Researchers frozen out as parties vie for control of research station
he Belgian government owns 99.9% of the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica research station, which is run by a private foundation.
Antarctica's Larsen C Ice Shelf Rift Growing Rapidly, 10 Kilometers ... Jan 22, 2017
by James Ayre. The large rift in the Larsen C Ice Shelf that we reported on a few weeks ago has continued to grow at a ...
Antarctic ice shelf rift growing rapidly - Business Insider Jan 24, 2017
... The massive rift in the Antarctic ice shelf has already gained more than 6 miles in 2017. ScienceAlert. Peter Dockrill, ScienceAlert. Jan.
Katherine Kornei is a freelance science writer based in Portland, Oregon. Science AAAS
Owen King, a glaciologist at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom,
“Bigger lakes may increase the risk of catastrophic dam failure.”
Joseph Shea, a glacier hydrologist at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada,
NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses ... Jun 4, 2017
- 20 posts - 15 authors
A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the ...
Greenland Ice Sheet's 2017 weigh-in suggests a small increase in ice mass NOAA September 14, 2017
Author: Rebecca Lindsey
By Jonathan Amos BBC Science Correspondent, Boston
A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to ...
WUWT readers may recall some articles we did years back debunking the alarm over the Petermann glacier calving off a large iceberg. In case you are unfamiliar, it’s what glaciers do. But, this particular event was seen as a bad omen of the planet, as this 2012 article in The Independent illustrates: The whole Petermann… in Glaciers, Greenland ice sheet.
by Chris Mooney
Scientists have found large increases in snow accumulation in a vast region of eastern Antarctica, a trend that, if it continues or becomes more widespread, could ...
By Jonathan Amos BBC Science Correspondent, Vienna
By Jonathan Amos and Victoria Gill Science correspondents
Antarctica's ice sheet is melting at a rapidly increasing rate, now pouring more than 200 billion tons of ice into the ocean annually and raising ...
Over the last 25 years, melting Antarctic ice has added nearly 3 trillion tons of water to the ocean, enough to fill Lake Erie six times over.
Scientists have discovered that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet underwent a major retreat between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago, at a time when ...
Jan 08, 2019 · We evaluate the state of the mass balance of the Antarctic Ice Sheet over the last four decades using a comprehensive, precise satellite record and output products from a regional atmospheric climate model to document its impact on sea-level rise. ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Jan 2019, 201812883; DOI: 10.1073 ...
By Jonathan Amos BBC Science Correspondent
RELATED POST: ARCTIC SEA ICE 1979-2018. Sea ice consists of free floating floes in constant motion driven by wind and ocean currents. Sea ice extent is defined as a contiguous surface area of the sea, measured in millions of square kilometers (MSK), where at least 15% of the sea surface consists of floating ice.
The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, shows that Antarctic ice melting between 1979 to 2017 raised global sea levels more than 1.4 centimeters and the ice ...
14 hours ago · Warming ocean waters drove a 6-fold increase in annual ice mass loss from the Antarctic ice sheet between 1979 and 2017, according to a new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of ...