3. 70's: Global cooling -- Ice Age Coming
8. Math Reviews on climate
….. 2016-
MR3404575 Prelim Ji, Shanming; Huang, Rui; On the Budyko–Sellers climate model with mushy region. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 434 (2016), no. 1, 581–598.
MR3394212 Prelim San José, Roberto; Pérez, Juan L.; González, Rosa M.; Pecci, Julia; Garzón, Antonio; Palacios, Marino; Impacts of the 4.5 and 8.5 RCP global climate scenarios on urban meteorology and air quality: Application to Madrid, Antwerp, Milan, Helsinki and London. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 293 (2016), 192–207.
….. -2015
MR3399291 Prelim Shortridge, Julie E.; Falconi, Stefanie M.; Zaitchik, Benjamin F.; Guikema, Seth D.; Climate, agriculture, and hunger: statistical prediction of undernourishment using nonlinear regression and data-mining techniques. J. Appl. Stat. 42 (2015), no. 11, 2367–2390.
MR3398813 Prelim Li, Chengzheng; Xiang, Xunyong; Gu, Haiying; Climate shocks and international trade: Evidence from China. Econom. Lett. 135 (2015), 55–57.
MR3397541 Prelim Vasconcelos, Vítor V.; Santos, Francisco C.; Pacheco, Jorge M.; Cooperation dynamics of polycentric climate governance. Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 25 (2015), no. 13, 2503–2517.
MR3396554 Prelim Schliep, Erin M.; Gelfand, Alan E.; Clark, James S.; Stochastic Modeling for Velocity of Climate Change. J. Agric. Biol. Environ. Stat. 20 (2015), no. 3, 323–342.
MR3395949 Prelim Turcanu, Catrinel; Mkrtchyan, Lusine; Nagy, Ahmed; Faure, Pierre; Can belief structures improve our understanding of safety climate survey data? Internat. J. Approx. Reason. 66 (2015), 103–118.
MR3394304 Prelim Sudakov, Ivan; Vakulenko, Sergey A.; A mathematical model for a positive permafrost carbon–climate feedback. IMA J. Appl. Math. 80 (2015), no. 3, 811–824.
MR3389848 Prelim Daron, J. D.; Stainforth, D. A.; On quantifying the climate of the nonautonomous Lorenz-63 model. Chaos 25 (2015), no. 4, 043103, 14 pp.
MR3389822 Prelim Deza, J. I.; Barreiro, M.; Masoller, C.; Assessing the direction of climate interactions by means of complex networks and information theoretic tools. Chaos 25 (2015), no. 3, 033105, 11 pp.
MR3377515 Prelim Vo, Hoang-Hung; Persistence versus extinction under a climate change in mixed environments. J. Differential Equations 259 (2015), no. 10, 4947–4988.
MR3378996 Pending Chang, Shuhua; Wang, Jing; Wang, Xinyu A fitted finite volume method for real option valuation of risks in climate change. Comput. Math. Appl. 70 (2015), no. 5, 1198–1219. 91G20 (65M08 86-08)
MR3354188 Reviewed Valencia, Johnny; Olivar, Gerard; Franco, Carlos Jaime; Dyner, Isaac Qualitative analysis of climate seasonality effects in a model of national electricity market. Analysis, modelling, optimization, and numerical techniques, 349–362, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 121, Springer, Cham, 2015. 91B76 (91B24)
MR3371039 Expansion Holden, Philip B.; Edwards, Neil R.; Garthwaite, Paul H.; Wilkinson, Richard D. Emulation and interpretation of high-dimensional climate model outputs. J. Appl. Stat. 42 (2015), no. 9, 2038–2055.
MR3373465 Indexed Mihailović, Dragutin; Kostić, Vladimir; Mimić, Gordan; Cvetković, Ljiljana Stability analysis of turbulent heat exchange over the heterogeneous environmental interface in climate models. Appl. Math. Comput. 265 (2015), 79–90. 86A10 (37N10 76F20 80A20)
MR3360628 Indexed Knolle, Helmut Klimawandel, Ökonomie und Mathematik. (German) [Climate change, economics and mathematics] Mitt. Dtsch. Math.-Ver. 23 (2015), no. 2, 81–83. 91B76 (00A69)
MR3335661 Expansion Goddard, Scott D.; Genton, Marc G.; Hering, Amanda S.; Sain, Stephan R. Evaluating the impacts of climate change on diurnal wind power cycles using multiple regional climate models. Environmetrics 26 (2015), no. 3, 192–201.
MR3352720 Indexed Betz, Gregor Are climate models credible worlds? Prospects and limitations of possibilistic climate prediction. Eur. J. Philos. Sci. 5 (2015), no. 2, 191–215. 03B48 (03A10)
MR3352719 Indexed Frisch, Mathias Predictivism and old evidence: a critical look at climate model tuning. Eur. J. Philos. Sci. 5 (2015), no. 2, 171–190. 62P12 (00A71)
MR3336186 Indexed Müller-Fürstenberger, Georg; Schumacher, Ingmar Insurance and climate-driven extreme events. J. Econom. Dynam. Control 54 (2015), 59–73. 91B62 (91B30 91B76)
MR3133558 Prelim Ben Abdallah, N.; Mouhous-Voyneau, N.; Denœux, T.; Combining statistical and expert evidence using belief functions: Application to centennial sea level estimation taking into account climate change. Internat. J. Approx. Reason. 55 (2014), no. 1, part 2, 341–354.
MR3097172 Expansion Vitale, Domenico; Bilancia, Massimo Role of the natural and anthropogenic radiative forcings on global warming: evidence from cointegration–VECM analysis. Environ. Ecol. Stat. 20 (2013), no. 3, 413–444.
MR3067348 Expansion Triacca, Umberto; Attanasio, Alessandro; Pasini, Antonello Anthropogenic global warming hypothesis: testing its robustness by Granger causality analysis. Environmetrics 24 (2013), no. 4, 260–268.
MR3039926 Pending Tol, Richard S. J. Targets for global climate policy: an overview. J. Econom. Dynam. Control 37 (2013), no. 5, 911–928. 91B76
MR3024839 Roulstone, Ian; Norbury, John Invisible in the storm. The role of mathematics in understanding weather. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2013. x+325 pp. ISBN: 978-0-691-15272-1 (Reviewer: John P. Boyd) 86A10
MR2866976 Indexed Magnus, Jan R.; Melenberg, Bertrand; Muris, Chris Global warming and local dimming: the statistical evidence. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 106 (2011), no. 494, 452–464. 62P12 (62F10)
MR2981654 Indexed Battaglia, Francesco; Protopapas, Mattheos K. Rejoinder to the discussion of "An analysis of global warming in the Alpine region based on nonlinear nonstationary time series models'' [MR2981649, MR2981650, MR2981651, MR2981652, MR2981653, MR2981648]. Stat. Methods Appl. 21 (2012), no. 3, 371–373. 62P12 (62M10 62M30)
MR3001758 Pending Khouider, Boualem; Majda, Andrew J.; Stechmann, Samuel N. Climate science in the tropics: waves, vortices and PDEs. Nonlinearity 26 (2013), no. 1, R1–R68. 86A10 (35Q86 76B60)
MR2996641 Pending Hritonenko, Natali; Yatsenko, Yuri; Goetz, Renan-Ulrich; Xabadia, Angels Optimal harvesting in forestry: steady-state analysis and climate change impact. J. Biol. Dyn. 7 (2013), no. 1, 41–58. 91B76 (91B62 92D25)
MR2905808 Pending Pruscha, Helmut Statistical analysis of climate series. Analyzing, plotting, modeling, and predicting with R. Springer, Heidelberg, 2013. viii+175 pp. ISBN: 978-3-642-32083-5; 978-3-642-32084-2 62M10 (62P12)
MR2931856 Expansion Chang, Carolyn W.; Chang, Jack S. K.; Lim, Kian Guan Global warming, extreme weather events, and forecasting tropical cyclones: a market-based forward-looking approach. Astin Bull. 42 (2012), no. 1, 77–101.
MR3020079 Expansion Rincón, Francisco Andrés An index for climate change: a multivariate time series approach. Environmetrics 23 (2012), no. 7, 617–622.
MR2981633 Indexed Solonen, Antti; Ollinaho, Pirkka; Laine, Marko; Haario, Heikki; Tamminen, Johanna; Järvinen, Heikki Efficient MCMC for climate model parameter estimation: parallel adaptive chains and early rejection. Bayesian Anal. 7 (2012), no. 3, 715–736. 60J22 (62F15 62P12 65C05)
MR2993279 Expansion Reyes, Perla E.; Zhu, Jun; Aukema, Brian H. Selection of spatial-temporal lattice models: assessing the impact of climate conditions on a mountain pine beetle outbreak. J. Agric. Biol. Environ. Stat. 17 (2012), no. 3, 508–525.
MR2993276 Expansion Rocklöv, Joacim; Ebi, Kristie L. High dose extrapolation in climate change projections of heat-related mortality. J. Agric. Biol. Environ. Stat. 17 (2012), no. 3, 461–475.
MR2993273 Expansion Jandarov, Roman; Haran, Murali; Ferrari, Matthew A compartmental model for meningitis: separating transmission from climate effects on disease incidence. J. Agric. Biol. Environ. Stat. 17 (2012), no. 3, 395–416.
MR2993272 Expansion Zhou, Jingwen; Chang, Howard H.; Fuentes, Montserrat Estimating the health impact of climate change with calibrated climate model output. J. Agric. Biol. Environ. Stat. 17 (2012), no. 3, 377–394.
MR2993268 Expansion Peng, Roger D.; Li, Bo Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on climate change and human health. J. Agric. Biol. Environ. Stat. 17 (2012), no. 3, 311–312.
MR2980913 Indexed Walakira, David Ddumba; Kayanja, Andrew; Stastna, Marek Simple stochastic models of food insecurity due to climate change. Atl. Electron. J. Math. 5 (2012), no. 1, 77–89. 92D40
MR2974340 Expansion Zhou, Jiansong; Tung, Ka-Kit On the CMD projection method and the associated statistical tests in climate data analysis. Adv. Adapt. Data Anal. 4 (2012), no. 1-2, 1250001, 23 pp.
MR2974184 Reviewed Santos, Francisco C.; Vasconcelos, Vítor V.; Santos, Marta D.; Neves, P. N. B.; Pacheco, Jorge M. Evolutionary dynamics of climate change under collective-risk dilemmas. Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 22 (2012), suppl. 1, 1140004, 17 pp. 91B76
MR2967540 Indexed Webster, Mort; Santen, Nidhi; Parpas, Panos An approximate dynamic programming framework for modeling global climate policy under decision-dependent uncertainty. Comput. Manag. Sci. 9 (2012), no. 3, 339–362. 91B76 (90C15 90C39)
MR2965849 Indexed Leites, Laura P.; Rehfeldt, Gerald E.; Robinson, Andrew P.; Crookston, Nicholas L.; Jaquish, Barry Possibilities and limitations of using historic provenance tests to infer forest species growth responses to climate change. Nat. Resour. Model. 25 (2012), no. 3, 409–433. 92D40 (91B76)
MR2971027 Pending Tort, J.; Vancostenoble, J. Determination of the insolation function in the nonlinear Sellers climate model. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 29 (2012), no. 5, 683–713. 35Q86 (35K20 35K58)
MR2965067 Reviewed Gersbach, Hans; Winkler, Ralph Global refunding and climate change. J. Econom. Dynam. Control 36 (2012), no. 11, 1775–1795. 91B76 (91A80 91B74)
MR2964001 Indexed Prieß, M.; Piwonski, J.; Koziel, S.; Slawig, T. Parameter identification in climate models using surrogate-based optimization. J. Comput. Methods Sci. Eng. 12 (2012), no. 1-2, 47–62. 92D40 (65K10 93B30)
MR2947423 Reviewed Hritonenko, Natali; Yatsenko, Yuri; Goetz, Renan-Ulrich; Xabadia, Angels Sustainable dynamics of size-structured forest under climate change. Appl. Math. Lett. 25 (2012), no. 10, 1439–1443. 91B76 (35F15)
MR2996022 Thesis Andrade, David B.; Statistical dynamics and predictability in a climate model of intermediate complexity. Thesis (Ph.D.)–Saint Louis University. 2012. 221 pp. ISBN: 978-1267-15670-9, ProQuest LLC
MR2922369 Pending Majda, Andrew J. Challenges in climate science and contemporary applied mathematics. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 65 (2012), no. 7, 920–948. 86Axx (35Q35)
Abstract This article discusses the challenges in climate science from the emerging viewpoint of stochastic-statistical properties of turbulent dynamical systems. The mathematical topics discussed here include empirical information theory, fluctuation-dissipation theorems, reduced-order stochastic modeling, and the development of mathematically unambiguous exactly solvable test models for climate science that capture crucial features of vastly more complex scientific problems. The applied mathematics topics include the emerging development of multiscale algorithms for filtering/data assimilation and superparametrization for climate science and other problems in science and engineering, as well as suitable unambiguous mathematical test problems for their behavior. Interesting contemporary research directions and specific open problems are mentioned throughout the article. The perspective here should also be useful for applications to other complex dynamical systems arising in neural science, material science, and environmental/mechanical engineering. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Get PDF (187K)
MR2958918 Expansion Chandler, Richard E.; Thorne, Peter; Lawrimore, Jay; Willett, Kate Building trust in climate science: data products for the 21st century. Environmetrics 23 (2012), no. 5, 373–381.
Climate science has a key role to play in informing strategies for adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change. However, given the magnitude of the issues involved and their implications, it is imperative that the scientific process is–and is seen to be—rigorous, defensible, and transparent so as to ensure trust in the results. A key element in building such trust is to provide access to underlying data, so that interested parties can check published results and compare with their own analyses. A further priority is to provide data at the fine space and time scales that are relevant for user needs. Until recently, the ability to meet these requirements has been constrained by data-sharing agreements and limitations on digital storage and processing. This is now changing however, thanks to improved global collaboration, communication and computing capability. This article describes current efforts to exploit these opportunities via the International Surface Temperature Initiative, an international and multidisciplinary effort that aims: firstly, to create a single comprehensive global databank of surface meteorological observations at monthly, daily, and sub-daily resolutions; and secondly, to encourage the contribution of multiple independent data products, subject to common performance assessment and benchmarking criteria, thus providing the opportunity for a detailed assessment of uncertainties. The rationale for the initiative is discussed, along with logistical and technical challenges, as well as opportunities for involvement from the statistical and wider scientific and user communities. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. View Full Article (HTML)
MR2880027 Indexed Lecocq, Franck; Hourcade, Jean-Charles Unspoken ethical issues in the climate affair: insights from a theoretical analysis of negotiation mandates. Econom. Theory 49 (2012), no. 2, 445–471. 91B76
MR2880026 Indexed Dutta, Prajit K.; Radner, Roy Capital growth in a global warming model: will China and India sign a climate treaty? Econom. Theory 49 (2012), no. 2, 411–443. 91B62 (91B76)
MR2881952 Reviewed Gollin, Douglas; Zimmermann, Christian Global climate change, the economy, and the resurgence of tropical disease. Math. Popul. Stud. 19 (2012), no. 1, 51–62. 92D30 (86A10 91B76)
MR2963161 Indexed Shuckburgh, Emily Weather and climate. Environmental hazards, 63–97, Lect. Notes Ser. Inst. Math. Sci. Natl. Univ. Singap., 21, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2011. 86A10
MR2882023 Pending Essex, Christopher Climate theory versus a theory for climate. Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. 21 (2011), no. 12, 3477–3487. 86A10
MR2507674 Expansion Keller, Charles F. Global warming: a review of this mostly settled issue. Stoch. Environ. Res. Risk Assess. 23 (2009), no. 5, 643–676.
MR2459165 Reviewed Hennlock, Magnus A robust feedback Nash equilibrium in a climate change policy game. Mathematical programming and game theory for decision making, 305–326, Stat. Sci. Interdiscip. Res., 1, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2008. (Reviewer: Steffen Jørgensen) 91B76 (49N70 91A15 91A23)
MR2468181 Indexed Tsokos, Chris P. Statistical modeling of global warming. Dynamic systems and applications. Vol. 5, 461–465, Dynamic, Atlanta, GA, 2008. 86A10 (62P12 93A30)
MR2766724 Reviewed Dutta, Prajit K.; Radner, Roy A game-theoretic approach to global warming. Advances in mathematical economics. Volume 8, 135–153, Adv. Math. Econ., 8, Springer, Tokyo, 2006. 91A25 (91A80)
MR2248029 Reviewed Dutta, Prajit K.; Radner, Roy Population growth and technological change in a global warming model. Econom. Theory 29 (2006), no. 2, 251–270. (Reviewer: Pauline M. Barrieu) 91B76 (91A25 92D25)
MR2224065 Expansion Challenor, Peter The probability of rapid climate change. Significance 1 (2004), no. 4, 155–158.
MR2079980 Reviewed Griffies, Stephen M. Fundamentals of ocean climate models. With a foreword by Trevor J. McDougall. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2004. xxxiv+518 pp. ISBN: 0-691-11892-2 (Reviewer: Yuri N. Skiba) 86A05 (76B99 76R50 76U05 86-08)
MR2063682 Reviewed Wirl, Franz International greenhouse gas emissions when global warming is a stochastic process. Appl. Stoch. Models Bus. Ind. 20 (2004), no. 2, 95–114. (Reviewer: William J. Reed) 91A15 (60H10 60H30 91B76 92D99)
…………………………. 2002
MR1912164 Indexed Rosser, J. Barkley, Jr. Complex coupled system dynamics and the global warming policy problem. Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc. 7 (2002), no. 2, 93–100. 91B76 (37N40)
MR2163192 Indexed Frederiksen, C. S.; Kariko, A. P.; Zheng, X. A technique for extracting potentially predictable patterns from climate data. ANZIAM J. 44 (2002), (C), C160–C179. 86A10
MR1933560 Expansion Herbert, Jan M.; Herbert, Ric D. Simulation of the effects of canyon geometry on thermal climate in city canyons. Math. Comput. Simulation 59 (2002), no. 1-3, 243–253.
MR1955490 Sarkisyan, A. S. Major advances and problems in modeling long-term world-ocean climate changes. Izv. Atmos. Ocean. Phys. 38 (2002), no. 6, 664–681; translated from Fiz. Atmos. Okeana 38 (2002), no. 6, 750--769(Russian) 86A05
MR1943560 Fraedrich, Klaus Fickian diffusion and Newtonian cooling: a concept for noise induced climate variability with long-term memory? Special issue on stochastic climate models. Stoch. Dyn. 2 (2002), no. 3, 403–412. 86A10 (35R60 62P12)
MR1943556 Berglund, Nils; Gentz, Barbara Metastability in simple climate models: pathwise analysis of slowly driven Langevin equations. Special issue on stochastic climate models. Stoch. Dyn. 2 (2002), no. 3, 327–356. (Reviewer: Andrew C. Fowler) 86A05 (37N10 60H10 86A10)
MR1943555 Indexed Special issue on stochastic climate models. Edited by P. Imkeller and A. Monahan. Stoch. Dyn. 2 (2002), no. 3. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2002. pp. i–iii and 311–462. 60-06
MR1912293 Broer, Henk; Simó, Carles; Vitolo, Renato Bifurcations and strange attractors in the Lorenz-84 climate model with seasonal forcing. Nonlinearity 15 (2002), no. 4, 1205–1267. (Reviewer: Warwick B. Tucker) 37D45 (37G35 37N10 86A10)
MR1899836 Palmer, A. J.; Schneider, T. L.; Benjamin, L. A. Inference versus imprint in climate modeling. Adv. Complex Syst. 5 (2002), no. 1, 73–89. 86A10 (62B10)
MR1893979 Díaz, J. I.; Tello, J. I. On the mathematical analysis of the limit case of a radiative-convective climate model. Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 3 (2002), no. 2, 293–305. (Reviewer: Olga S. Rozanova) 86A10 (35K65 76E20 76R05)
MR1875706 Díaz, J. I.; Tello, L. Infinitely many stationary solutions for a simple climate model via a shooting method. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 25 (2002), no. 4, 327–334. 86A10 (65L10)
……………………… -1982
MR0643957 Dutton, John A. Fundamental theorems of climate theory—some proved, some conjectured. SIAM Rev. 24 (1982), no. 1, 1–33. (Reviewer: Claude Demuth) 86A35 (58F12 86A10)
MR0563545 Källén, E.; Crafoord, C.; Ghil, M. Free oscillations in a climate model with ice-sheet dynamics. J. Atmospheric Sci. 36 (1979), no. 12, 2292–2303. (Reviewer: Alfonso Sutera) 86A10 (58F14)
MR0540938 Cahalan, Robert F.; North, Gerald R. A stability theorem for energy-balance climate models. J. Atmospheric Sci. 36 (1979), no. 7, 1178–1188. (Reviewer: Thomas L. Bell) 86A35 (35B35 58E07)
MR0530637 Mokhov, I. I.; Golitsyn, G. S. Variational estimate of climate system stability in elementary models. (Russian) Izv. Acad. Sci. USSR Atmospher. Ocean. Phys. 14 (1978), no. 6, 597–606 86A35
MR0416498 Ghil, Michael Climate stability for a Sellers-type model. J. Atmospheric Sci. 33 (1976), no. 1, 3–20. (Reviewer: Paul G. Arminjon) 86.65
MR2625455 Thesis Ghil, Michael; A NONLINEAR PARABOLIC EQUATION WITH APPLICATIONS TO CLIMATE THEORY. Thesis (Ph.D.)–New York University. 1975. 75 pp, ProQuest LLC
MR0114640 Dynamics of climate. The proceedings of a conference on the application of numerical integration techniques to the problem of the general circulation, held October 26-28, 1955 Pergamon Press, New York-Oxford-London-Paris 1960 xv+137 pp. (1 plate). (Reviewer: M. H. Rogers) 86.00 (65.00)