3. 70's: Global cooling -- Ice Age Coming
31. Cartoons and magazine covers webarchive; pdf
39. NASA Global Land-Ocean Temperature
40. Films and videos
The Big Freeze - Top Documentary Films
Imagine our world in the not-too-distant future? In parts of the northern hemisphere, the temperature plummets to -90 F. At 130 below, public transportation fails.
Those caught outside freeze to death. Buildings collapse under the weight of snow and ice.
The power goes out, society collapses, and anarchy takes its place.
Could this be a vision of our future? In this documentary, Naked Science examines what may cause temperatures to plummet and how this could spell disaster for our planet.
Global Warming Dead on Arrival IPCC Report is a Hoax ... and professor Michael E. Mann at Pennsylvania State University, who has been an important scientist ...
The big freeze 1993 - YouTube Published on Dec 23, 2012
A silent comedy. Two accident-prone plumbers go to fix the plumbing at a home for retired gentle-folk on the coldest day of the year in Finland. Everything that can go wrong for these plumbers goes wrong.
45 min - Comedy - 17 November 1993 (Finland)
TV Movie - 60 min - Documentary - 27 November 1999 (UK)
Scientists relate global warming effects on ice, theorizing a possible "min-ice-age" from a fresh water shut down of warm water currents in North Atlantic.
Richard Alley, Wally Broecker, Russell Coope | See full cast and crew »
Deep Freeze (also known as Ice Crawlers) is a 2003 horror film directed by John Carl Buechler. Written by Robert Boris, Dennis A. Pratt, and Matthew Jason ...
The story takes place during a new ice age. The camera tracks a blank, frozen, seemingly deserted tundra until two blurry, distant figures can just be made out. They are the seal hunter Essex (Paul Newman) and his pregnant companion, Vivia (Brigitte Fossey), the daughter of one of Essex's late hunting partners. They are traveling north, where Essex hopes to reunite with his brother, Francha (Thomas Hill).
Nov 10, 2006 - Good and Bad Science as Presented in the Movie ... key fictional aspects of the film revolve around 2 adjectives: exaggerated and abrupt. ... in a severe global deep freeze which sets the stage for the fictional drama in the film.
Modern Marvels: Season 13, Episode 32
TV Episode - 60 min - Documentary | History
Forget everything you thought you knew about the cold because Modern Marvels: Deep Freeze takes the technology of cold to the extreme. Think your home freezer is "cool"? How about a 12-story ice box filled with 135 million pounds of ice cream?
Take a tour of arctic vaults that store billions of seeds and learn how scientists have mastered temperatures of minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit... and below. See how engineers turn the gases we breathe into ultra cool liquids and blistering cold solids.
Explore how the cold not only preserves and chills, but shatters rubber tires, creates super-sized energy and fuels the rockets that have taken us into the deep freeze of outer space. And just when you think it can't get any colder, go inside Alcor
where researchers keep cadavers chilled to the bone in hopes of future revival. It's time to chill out on Modern Marvels: Deep Freeze.
The goal of IQ2 US is to raise the level of public discourse on our most challenging issues. To provide a new ...
State of Fear: Hollywood the News Media and Global Warming Feb 15, 2008
This ad is part of the "We Can Solve It" global warming ad campaign sponsored by former Vice President Al Gore's Alliance for Climate Protection.
Lord Christopher Monckton was an advisor to Margaret Thatcher & has been following the Global Warming issue with growing concern the facts have not been properly revealed.
This nine minute excerpt of his New DVD gives you some good information to think about
The Happening (2008) (film)
corals antarctic ice
Al Gores LIES on how he think Global Warming is caused by a LIFE GIVING GAS called C02 are exposed by Rep. Steve Scalise.
Al Gore OWNS the Carbon Trading Companies and OCCIDENTAL Petrol.
He does not care about the environment, he only cares about money and ENSLAVING YOU!
Newt Rips Gore's 'Facts' To Pieces Apr 24, 2009
'Global Warming bogus, Ice Age approaching 11/26/2009
Learn the science behind Global Warming hysteria in light of the recent ClimateGate developments, and share this video everywhere.
(PDF Link of "Curriculum Vitae of Richard Siegmund Lindzen") http://tinyurl.com/yjxpct6
Lindzen WSJ Column Summary of Video: http://tinyurl.com/yh9t9j8
Not only did this Gang of Climate Hysteria Criminals corrupt the science behind global warming (e.g destroying data, excluding dissent from the peer-review process, ignoring FOIA requests, etc.), their science never had any backing.
Dennis Miller on the Fraud that is Global Warming Dec 9, 2009
A discussion about the Climate Change scam - The Daily ... 12/4/2009
raw date not available
Richard Lindzen talks about the problems with global warming alarmists. This is the 7th video in the series on ...
► European Parliament, Strasbourg - 20.01.2010
► Debate: Council and Commission statements - Outcome of the Copenhagen summit on climate change
Speaker: Godfrey Bloom MEP, UKIP (Yorkshire & Lincs.), EFD group.
The document mentioned by Godfrey Bloom is a paper collated by Richard Treadgold, of the Climate Conversation Group, from a combined research project undertaken by members of the Climate Conversation Group and the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition.
Climate I: Is The Debate Over? Mar 10, 2010
IPCC Scientist: 30 Years of Global Cooling Mar 14, 2010
MIT scientist Richard Lindzen explains his doubts about the dangers of global warming.
The History behind the Climate Change Fraud 1/5 Oct 31, 2010
The History behind the Climate Change Fraud 4/5 Nov 1, 2010
The History behind the Climate Change Fraud 5/5 Nov 2, 2010
... under attack, and why public trust in key scientific theories has been eroded - from... ... for example, are rightly going to lose the respect and trust of the public.
Global Warming Panic explained Jan 10, 2011
A liberal tries to explain why she thinks the world will end, and what should be done about it.
TV Episode - 60 min - Reality-TV
ra Alaska makes a special canine delivery to four-time Iditarod champion Lance Mackey in Fairbanks. After the first snow in Unalakleet,
Jim and Ferno cope with an influx of schoolteachers on their busiest day of the year.
Climategate 'hide the decline' in depth explanation by Stephen McIntyre 1/3 Mar 19, 2011
4th International Conference on Climate Change
It's Stefan Molyneux, Host of Freedomain Radio versus global warming!
Al Gore's Inconvenient SCAM, Lies versus Lord Monckton Truth and Logic Jul 26, 2011
Originally broadcasted March 8, 2007 on British Channel 4.
A documentary, by British television producer Martin Durkin, which argues against the virtually unchallenged consensus that global warming is man-made.
A statement from the makers of this film asserts that the scientific theory of anthropogenic global warming could very well be "the biggest scam of modern times."
Lord Monckton: Global Warming Exposed Fraud 1/5 · 8/22/2011
IPCC M Strong
Scientists, and experts more generally, have choices about the roles that they play in today's political debates on topics such as global warming, genetically modified foods, and food and drug safety, just to name a few.
At this Lowy Lecture, Professor in Environmental Studies at the University of Colorado Roger Pielke discusses how we can understand these choices, their theoretical and empirical bases, what considerations are
important to think about when deciding, and the consequences for the individual scientist and the broader scientific enterprise.
Presented by the Lowy Institute, February 2012
An original video (by Peter Sinclair) for the Yale Forum on Climate Change & The Media focuses on climate scientist Michael Mann and his first-hand view of his hockey stick and 'climate wars'
Global Warming DISPELLED by Nobel Laureate! 3/7/2012
http://www.ted.com Top climate scientist James Hansen tells the story of his involvement in the science of and debate over global climate change. In doing so he outlines the overwhelming evidence
that change is happening and why that makes him deeply worried about the future.
Who would you believe..astrophysicist or former CEO of GM....??
Richard Lindzen at International Conference on Climate Change by The Auto ... Richard Lindzen Pans ...
Former NASA scientists, astronauts,... GLOBAL WARMING A HOAX!!! Terry J. Lovell
Global Warming Supporters Say That They Are Not Like Terrorists May 4, 2012
The Universe: Season 6, Episode 11 Deep Freeze 20 May 2012
TV Episode - 45 min - Documentary | History
There is an extraordinary range of temperatures in the universe. This program examines the extreme lower temperature range, the temperature we live in and below, explaining how cold is essential for the formation of habits suitable for life.
- Written by David Foss
Global cooling was a conjecture during the 1970s of imminent cooling of the Earth's surface and atmosphere along with a posited commencement of glaciation. This hypothesis had little support in the scientific community,
but gained temporary popular attention due to a combination of a slight downward trend of temperatures from the 1940s to the early 1970s and press reports that did not accurately reflect the eflect the scientific understanding of ice age cycles.
In contrast to the global cooling conjecture, the current scientific opinion on climate change is that the Earth has not durably cooled, but undergone global warming throughout the twentieth century.
Professor Richard Muller discusses the validity of Michael Mann's hockey stick concept of exponential temperature rise, and his own work in studying the Earth's surface temperature.
Climate Realist Marc Morano Debates Bill Nye the Science Guy on Global Warming Dec 4, 2012
Be the first one to rate this film. ... then you'll like this one too. ... Living in Northern Canada, trust me that the world 'mean' of 1 degree warmer makes a 'freaking' ...
Richard Alley - Abrupt Climate Change Apr 18, 2013
Dr. Richard Alley found widely cited evidence of abrupt climate changes in ice cores during field research in Antarctica, Greenland and Alaska.
Professor Freeman Dyson, theoretical physicist blasts the alarmist stance taken by some IPCC scientists on the science of global warming / climate change.
Respected Australian scientists laugh at Julia Gillard, David Suzuki and other climate change drama queens.
Professor Bob Carter of James Cook University is a Marine Geologist.
Professor Peter Reid of James Cook University is a Marine Physics specialist.
Professor Garth Paltridge is a former Cheif Scientist at the CSIRO and is an Atmospheric Physicist.
Listen to 100 years of experience in the field!
Climate Scientists like Professor Judith Curry abandon alarmism as the Carbon Dioxide theory collapses in acrimony.
Common sense prevails as temperature data proves that global warming isn't happening(as predicted).
Sceptics proved right as the groupthink of the climate change hysteria is revealed.
Climate scientist Hans von Storch; "Unfortunately in climate science there is a tendency to proclaim absolute truths and to link these immediately to instructions on actions to take,' von Storch said. '
The climate pope tells us what has to be done, and for the people it's: keep your mouths shut. Scientists have been taking over the roles of medicine men and priests. That's not the job of scientists.
Science is supposed to help understand problems, show the possibilities that exist in dealing with them. The best is to show many possibilities. Then the political process has to decide the path to take.'
But some of his colleagues in science like to use 'stories that point to a catastrophe,' said the professor of meteorology. One example was the assumption that our region would see 'murderous violent storms'.
But there was no data showing this. 'It all has a cultural, anthropological background' . 'If you sin, then you will be punished. And the punishment always takes on an environmental dimension which also
included storms in the past. In former times it was God's punishment. Today it's punishment by Nature. Nature is to keep man in check. And for this we see idiotic films like The Day After Tomorrow.''
"With snappy and short statements like 'snow will be a thing of the past', the loud speakers among the scientists are putting the credibility of science at stake.'"
British environmentalist James Lovelock admitted that,
"The problem is we don't know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago. That led to some alarmist books—mine included—because it looked clear-cut, but it hasn't happened."
"The climate is doing its usual tricks. There's nothing much really happening yet. We were supposed to be halfway toward a frying world now."
In Cold Sun, author John L. Casey, a former White House national space policy advisor, N.A.S.A ...
Bill McKibben Laments "The End of Nature" Sept 27, 2013
Invalid Arguments: Climate Change Sept 27, 2013
Biblical Snowstorm Snow Falls in Egypt For The First Time . Dec 14, 2013
After seeing global cooling in animated family films like the "Ice Age" franchise and Disney's "Frozen", will we see global cooling in adult sci-fi ...
Global Warming Scam is Dead - Nation freezes, Idiot "Liberals" in denial - Chris Hayes on MSNBC Jan 4, 2014
"Global Warming" becomes "Climate Change" as the World freezes, Millions of Americans are out of work & this mindless, idiot ...
by The Christian Broadcasting Network 4,030 views
The climate is changing, but it's not changing the way the climate change crowd predicted it would. Nature has made a mockery of ...
Pat&Stu took this graph from Obama's Science Advisor, Dr. Holdren, and blew it to pieces!
"But a theory that can confront any contingency with unflagging success cannot be falsified. Its control of the facts is an illusion.
Michael Savage interviews Dr. Richard Lindzen about facts and myths of climate change - YouTube Jan 10, 2014
Uploaded by ReallyBigSomething
Michael Savage interviews Dr. Richard Lindzen about facts and myths of climate change (01/09/2014 ...
By Elmer in Global Cooling Deniers, News, Opinion
A world-renowned climate expert is speaking out against the government's ridiculous and continued climate change hysteria ...
Global warming is the biggest scientific hoax of all time. ... As for Dr. Happer, he has published not a single ...
John Casey Exposes Global Warming Fraud Feb 9, 2014
In this video Mr. Casey exposes the global warming fraud and brings your attention to an ice age threat which is threatening our planet and the peak point is about 2030 - 2031.
This video has been uploaded with Mr. John Casey's written permission and is copyright of Mr. John Casey.
Mr. John L. Casey is the former White House space program adviser, consultant to NASA Headquarters, and space shuttle engineer. He is the President of Space and Science Research Center http://www.spaceandscience.net
He is one of America's most successful climate change researchers and climate prediction experts. Mr. Casey is the leading advocate in the US for a national and international plan to prepare for the next climate change to one
of a dangerous cold climate era.
This new cold era is caused by a historic decline in the Sun's energy output, what he calls a "solar hibernation."
He is the author of the internationally acclaimed climate science book, "Cold Sun" which describes the rationale for understanding why global warming has ended and the effects of the new cold climate era.
Global Warming Scammer Al Gore predicts no Arctic ice In 2013 Summer ice sheet highest since 2006 videos.. Please click here ...
Libertarian caller 'James from the South' calls in to debate a number of libertarian talking points and throws in one we don't believe we've had from a Libertarian caller before..."global warming is bullshit"...
An Al Gore fever dream? Real but with caveats? Real but irrelevant? Joe Bast (President, The Heartland Institute) moderates the ...
How the Global Warming Scare Began Mar 12, 2014
CLIMATE CROOKS - The Religion of Global Warming Guest: Terry Cook Mar 14, 2014
A great scientist named Roger Revelle had Al Gore in his class at Harvard and the Global Warming campaign was born.
Revelle tried to calm things down years later, but Gore said Revelle was senile and refused to debate.
John Coleman documents the entire story and shows how our tax dollars are perpetuating the Global Warming alarmist campaign even though temperatures have not risen in years and years.
Is Global Warming really happening? There are many voices in opposition to the theory and our guest today is just one of those. His name is John Coleman who was the original weathercaster on
"Good Morning, America." After that Coleman founded and served as CEO and President of the Weather Channel.
New Ice Age Near - 58 part evidence (II) by Rolf Witzsche 8,682 views Aug 17, 2014
The film “Last Hours” is the 2nd film in the Green World Rising Series ( the first one is "Carbon" that is available on this channel).
Last Hours describes a science-based climate scenario where a tipping point to runaway climate change is triggered by massive releases of frozen methane.
Methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, has already started to percolate into the open seas and atmosphere from methane hydrate
Tom Nelson. Survey: Research on climate blogs; Response to Don Cheadle; ICYMI: JoNova on skeptical blogosphere, Nov 2013; Anybody have any problem with UN …
Dr. William Happer (Princeton U) , Chairman of the George C. Marshall Institute,
Dr. Richard Alley on Undersea Methane Oct 16, 2014
megyn kelly and john coleman, weather channel founder talk about the hoax called global warming. John Coleman, meteorologist and co-founder of The Weather Channel,
told Megyn Kelly tonight that he doesn’t believe global warming is real and laughed out loud at anyone who buys into what Al Gore is selling.
By Robert · 48 Comments
Interstellar 2014 (film)
The main villain, Dr. Mann cooks climate data.
Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) - IMDb (film)
The main villain, Valentine is saving the planet from humans and global warming.
Doomsday Prophet's Eco-Nazi Predictions For 2015 Jan 12, 2015
Arctic polar caps 46% increase .Global cooling for the next 30 years ! Jan 14, 2015
The Sick Joke of Fighting Global Warming: Climate Change Meltdown Roundup For Feb 18, 2015
Climate Change Scam: Al Gore False Predictions Mar 4, 2015
William Happer "The Myth of Carbon Pollution" Apr 8, 2915
Mark Steyn vs Michael Mann, Climate Change: The Facts, Keynote 4, ICCC10 191K Jul 2, 2015
Nobel laureate Ivar Giaever's speech at the Nobel Laureates meeting 1st July 2015.
Scientists Warn of New Mini Ice Age to Hit by 2030 ShantiUniverse 7/13/2015
Since time immemorial, our climate has been and will always be changing. Patrick Moore explains why “climate ...
Lord Christopher Monckton of Brenchley gives a timely warning in September 2014 at the Irish Club in Brisbane, Australia about the possible loss of our hard-won freedoms and democracies to un-elected
bureaucrats at the UN in the upcoming Paris COP21 meeting.
Climate Hustle Paris Premiere YouTube · 12/8/2015
Preview of "The Climate Hustle" with Marc Morano YouTube · 12/2/2015
—By Jeremy Schulman
Princeton Professor and climate denier William Happer exposed for fossil ..... Greenpeace are the biggest ...
Greenpeace Reveals Professors Paid to Deny Climate Change ... at US universities and ousted Dr. William ...
Nobel Laureate in Physics; "Global Warming is Pseudoscience" Dec 17, 2015
mirrored and copied from https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAR0Oi4L0Om4F26uwpANgCg Nobel laureate ... Mike Mann
Dennis Miller Weigh On Global Warming & Putin O'Reilly 1/21/2016
Global warming is a SCAM w/ Prof Ian Plimer Feb 5, 2016
Recent Posts. Leo DiCaprio’s ManBearPig Speech at the Oscars; Why I like Obama’s Oil Tax With Just A Few Tweaks; Reprieve! Binding Paris treaty now voluntary mush
MIT’s long-running divestment sit-in ends, but the fight isn’t over March 3, 2016
Global Cooling worldcyclesinstitute 3/13/2016
Heavy snowfall in North India – Video Robert 1 Comment March 15, 2016
North India on high alert due to freezing temperatures due to heavy snowfall.
Heavy snowfall paralyzes Erzurum, Turkey – Video Robert March 15, 2016
America Ice age seawapa.org · 7/6/2016
Global Warming Is Repeating Itself...4 Million Years Later July 13, 2016
Mini Ice Age: History Shows Global Cooling Is Coming, Not ... DAHBOO77 7/3/2016
Join Leonardo DiCaprio as he explores the topic of climate change, and discovers what must be done today to prevent catastrophic disruption of life on our planet.
Climate science for the layman as Professor of Physics at Princeton University makes it simple. For a ...
Global Warming Is A blatant LIE & This video scientifically Proves it. Jan 22, 2017
Climate Expert Jim Hansen explains the Climate Crisis May 20, 2017
Mark Steyn: Trump Vs. The Global Warming Lunatics Jun 2, 2017
CLIMATE CHANGE IS A HOAX, Real meteorologist destroys CNN host Jun 7, 2017
106,485 views The Daily Wire