
Leonid N. Vaserstein
Professor of Mathematics

Nationality: USA
Address: Dept. of  Mathematics, Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802

Office phone 814 8630584.


·       M.A..  in mathematics :  Moscow State University, 1966.

·       Ph.D.  in mathematics:  Moscow State University, 1969;   advisor Prof. I.I.Piatetsky-Shapiro .


·       1979-present            Professor of Mathematics at the Pennsylvania State University.

·       1979/80                   Visiting Professor at Cornell University, Department of Mathematics.

·       Summer of 1979      Visiting Professor at   University of Chicago, Department of Mathematics.

·       1979, Jan-April        Visiting Professor at IHES (France).

·       1978, December      Visiting Professor at   University of Bielefeld (Germany), Department of Mathematics.

·       1969-1978            Senior researcher to Head of department, INFORMELECTRO     (Moscow,        Russia).

·       1966/67                Instructor at Dept.of Mathematics, Moscow State University.


·       The Second Prize of All-Russian High School Mathematical Olimpiad, 1961.

·        Moscow State University Annual Prizes for undergraduate research, 1962,1965,  1966.

·        The Annual Prize of the Moscow Mathematical Society for young mathematicians,    1974 (jointly with A.A. Suslin).

·        John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, 1984

·       Member of the Institute for Advanced Study,  Princeton,1984/85

Synergistic activities:

·       Involved with the operation research program at Penn State. Teaching linear programming, game theory, advising grad students in OR.

·       Reviewer for several mathematical journals and two abstract journals.

·       Broading the participation of groups underrepresented in science by joint research and publications.

·       Maintaining  Algebra and Number Theory at PSU website

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