Penn State Algebra and Number Theory Gauss Ramanujan
This is the webpage for Penn State's group in algebra and number theory.
This group   consists of
regular faculty members,
post-docs, visiting faculty members,
and graduate students.
This group is also responsible for teaching linear programming and game theory.
New web page (under construction) 


2004 Math Calendar |

Algebra & Number Theory Seminar.     |  Spring of 2008    | Spring  of 2010 |

S2000   | F 2000| S 2001 | F2001| S2002F2002  Ravi Rao      | S2003    Robert Griess .   Robert Griess | S2004 | 
Andrews celebration | Fall of 2004 |      Spring 2005 | Fall 2005 | Spring 2006 |  Fall 2006 } Spring 2007 |  Fal 2007 |

PSU Mathematics Department - Calendar

PSU Operations Research Colloquium     F2000       | April 6, 2004 |  Sept 21,2004 |

Links to some interesting sites:

00 General:   Yahoo Math  |  dmoz  Math    |   math encycl l    open problems    |  | about | mathsearch | mathworldClay problems
  Problems |
      | Math Quotes   | quotations    |  discrete math | Zagier's problems  (algebra,number theory, geometry) |
PSU math library  |  Math Reviews     |   Zentralblatt Mat     |  Classification   | math atlas |FAQ |
mathfront | AMS preprints |
math conferences   | |  math jokes   more:    2 | 34  | 5  | 6 |      ||Sosinski || constants | math journals |
01 History and biography : history of math   | Fields MedalNobel Prize winners|
| Bourbaki  | Bombieri | Chowla |   Dantzig| Daubechies ,   2 | Deligne| Dedekind | Dickson
| Dieudonné |  DiophantusDynkin| Einstein| Erdös  ,  2 |   Euclid | | Euler |
Fermat   | Fibonaci |Fourier | Frobenius |
 GaloisGauss,2 | Gelfand | GelfondGödel  |GoldbachGrothendieck   |
 Hilbert's Problems  &  HilbertHecke | Hypatia  |
 Kantorovich |    | Kolmogorov | Kovalevskaya | Kaplansky |
Langlands,his work |Leibniz |
Minkowski , 2 |B.Mazur | Moufang | | Margulis |  | Mostow & Piatetski-Shapiro |
Milnor | ManinNashfilm| Novikov |E.Noether |Newton  |
| Pascal Perelman  || Poincaré   |  Pythagoras | | Riemann J.Robinson | Ramanujan |
 Sylow | Selberg  |   Serre  |  Thurston | Taussky | Turing |
   |Rota | Ramsey| | François Viète  father of algebra  | van der Waerden | Waring | Weil |
 Weyl  || Wiles| Witten  | ZelmanovZorn  |
03 Logic: fallacy | math mistakes |
05 Combinatorics:   The Combinatorics Net     | LaCIM    |La Jolla Covering Repository   |
    |   Electronic Journal of Combinatorics  -- Including the World Combinatorics Exchange |
    |  Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire   |
11 Number theory:   number theory web  |  PI    | Chen Shuwen's Equal Sums of Like Powers Page!    Equal Sums of Like Powers
| some AltaVista and Yahoo number theory | The List of Largest Known Primes    | preprints |
     | The Mathematics of Fermat's Last Theorem    |  Number field tables   |
     |  Integer Sequences (by N.J.A. Sloane) | abc | Beal's conjecture | Riemann Hypothesis | High On E: The Mathematics of Transcendence -
Somos sequences |  pacomania      |   
11-04,11Y Computational number theory| NTLalgorithms    | quantum computing | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 || primality testing is P |
11K45 Pseudo-random numbers: Pseudorandom Number Generators   |  How to Generate Pure Random Numbers   |  Salzberg |
11T71 , 14G50, 81P68 ,94A60   cryptography:AltaVista   | Yahoocryptology (IACR)  | cryptology    | elliptic curves |
algebra:  algebra   | |Abstract Algebra On Line (Dictionary) | Catalogue of Algebraic Systems   |
computer algebra:  | Computational Algebra and Geometry  | Computer Algebra Information Network    |
    |   Ecole Polytechnique, GDR MEDCIS    | GAP |   PSU math dept software page |
12 Field theory and polynomials:  12E20 finite fields computations
14. Algebraic geometry: | 111G 14G arithm geometry  | elliptic curves |
15. Linear algebra:  International Linear Algebra Society   | definitions |
16 17 Rings: ring theorists |

18. Categories:  Categories Home Page   | Theory and Applications of Categoriesdmoz |
19  K-theory  | Dave Rusin | TMR |

20 Group Theory and generalizations:Geometric Group Theory    |  Group pub forum   |  linear groups  |   wallpaper groups   |dmoz | GAP |
20C Representation theory of groups:finite groups | Moonshine |
20M semigroups:   | Semigroup Forum      |  Semigroups page (by JH Renshaw) |
52C Pennrose tillings:  1   |  2   |  3   || Pennrose at PSU |
90. Operations research, mathematical programming: | Mathematical Programming Glossary  |
     |   Bibliography for Discrete Event Systems Simulation: Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis    |
     |   Global optimization page (U Wien) | Global optimization page (BU) |
Tom Cavalier's Optimization Links |Michael Trick's Operations Research Page  |
     |   Mathematical Optimization TU Braunschweig     |  traveling salesman   | Interesting Models   |
     | Applied Management Science   |  INFORMS Online   |
Mathematical Programming Society | SIAM optimisation |
Interior Point methods | Steve Wright |
91  Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences: Game of Life  | 2 | |  games   | | Chronology of Game Theory |
blackjack  | blackjack| Nim  | car &goats  |  |  games and math programming  |
cellular automata | combinatorial game theory |Society for Mathematical Pychology |
92 Biology and other natural sciences:Math-Bio White Paper      |
97 Mathematical education: educause  |  Common UG math errors WEB Tutorials   | teaching math | The Braden Files | Bas Brams | mathepower|A.Toom |
college math:   Dave's Tables   |     Cool Math  |  MBone   |  Ask  Dr. MathProfessor Freedman's Math Help  |S.O.S Math|   
     |   Zoomtool    (ball&stick construction) | Math FAQ  | curves |

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