Spring 2000 Algebra & Number Theory Seminar Schedule

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Sackett 108
Our Spring 2000 speakers include:

January 13, Greg Anderson (U. Minnesota).
Results and questions connected with universal ordinary distribution

January 20, No Seminar this week due to AMS National Meeting

January 27, Mark Watkins (U. Georgia).
Class numbers of imaginary quadratic fields.

February 3, Neil Sloane (ATT),
Seminar and Colloquium.

February 10, R. C. Vaughan (Penn State),
A generalized divisor problem.

February 17, G. E. Andrews (Penn State),
Positivity questions in partitions and the Friedman-Joichi-Stanton Conjecture.

February 24, Noriko Yui (Queens University)
The modularity conjecture for certain Calabi-Yau threefolds over the field of rational numbers.

March 2, Chuck Doran (Penn State)
A brief introduction to deformations of Galois representations.

March 16, John Friedlander (University of Toronto)
Exponential sums and cryptography.

March 23, Ken Ono (Penn State)
Ranks and Tate-Shafarevich groups of quadratic twists of elliptic curves.

March 30, Steve Miller (Harvard University).
Nonvanishing of Central Derivatives of certain Hecke L-functions and ranks of Q-curves.
pictures: | talk1 | talk2

April 6, David Bradley (University of Maine)
Hypergeometric series and multiple polylogarithms.

April 13, David Penniston (Penn State)
The 2-adic behavior of the number of partitions into distinct parts.

April 20, Anne Schilling (MIT).
The many facets of Kostka polynomials.

April 20, Hugh Montgomery (University of Michigan) : COLLOQUIUM.
Beyond pair correlation.

April 25, Dieter Jungnickel (U. Augsburg)
Balanced generalized weighing matrices and perfect codes.

April 27, Ling Long (Penn State)
Arithmetic of certain elliptic modular surfaces.