Gaseous `pillars' in the Eagle Nebula - Sites of star formation
Protoplanetary disks in the Orion Nebula
Warped protoplanetary disk around the star Beta Pictoris
The Cat's Eye Nebula - The `death shroud' of a star like the Sun
The Hourglass Nebula - The `death shroud' of a star like the Sun
X-ray image of the supernova remnant Cas A - The remains of an exploded, massive star
X-ray image of the Crab Nebula pulsar - The collapsed core of a massive star
Rings around the remnant of Supernova 1987A
White dwarf stars in the globular cluster M4
Images of the Milky Way Galaxy taken in different types of light
An X-ray image of the center of the Milky Way Galaxy - Site of a massive black hole
The Cartwheel Galaxy - An example of galaxy collisions
The `starburst' galaxy NGC 253 - Optical image with X-ray contours
A gravitationally lensed quasar - Note the four images of the same object
Gravitational lensing by a cluster of galaxies
The full view of the Hubble Deep Field-North
Closeups of galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field-North
The Chandra Deep Field-North - An X-ray image of the distant Universe
The planet Neptune
Storms in the atmosphere of Saturn
Storms in the atmosphere of Jupiter
Site of a comet impact on Jupiter - Shoemaker Levy 9 in July 1994
Four of the large moons of Jupiter - Ganymede, Callisto, Io, Europa
The planet Mars
The Barringer Meteorite Crater in Winslow, Arizona