Astro 1: Class Notes
Class 01 - Introduction and tour of the cosmos
Class 02 - How big is the Universe? How small are we?
Class 03 - Darkness and light, Winter and Summer
Class 04 - Look up at night, what do you see?
Class 05 - Why does the Earth orbit the Sun?
Class 06 - Explaining the rainbow and what lies beyond
Class 07 - Chemistry from afar
Class 08 - Review for quiz 1
Class 10 - How do the Sun and stars shine?
Class 11 - The Sun - our star
Class 12 - Red stars and blue stars
Class 13 - Red and blue, old and new
Class 14 - The death of a star
Class 15 - Supernovae - the deaths of massive stars
Class 16 - Neutron stars and black holes
Class 17 - Review for quiz 2
Class 19 - People discover the Galaxy
Class 20 - The Milky Way Galaxy
Class 21 - Galaxies of different sizes and shapes
Class 22 - Galaxies come in groups and clusters
Class 23 - The mysterious dark matter
Class 24 - The expanding Universe and the Great Wall
Class 25 - Active galaxies and quasars
Class 26 - Review for quiz 3
Class 28 - Penn State is building a giant optical telescope!
Class 29 - More than meets the eye
Class 30 - The Big Bang I
Class 31 - The Big Bang II
Class 32 - A remnant from the past
Class 33 - Cooking the light elements
Class 34 - Will the Universe end with ice or fire?
Class 35 - Review for quiz 4
Class 37 - A tour of the Solar System
Class 38 - The terrestrial planets
Class 39 - The Jovian planets and Pluto
Class 40 - The Jovian planets and Pluto (continued)
Class 41 - Moons of the Solar System
Class 42 - Moons of the Solar System (continued)
Class 43 - The formation of the Sun and planets
Class 44 - Other stars, other planets, and ET
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