16th January |
Please note that Kirsten Eisentraeger
(Michigan) is speaking in the Combinatorics and
Partitions seminar. |
18th January |
Mikhail Ershov (University of
Chicago) |
Title |
An introduction to Golod-Shafarevich
groups |
Abstract |
speaking, a finitely generated group is called Golod-Shafarevich
if it has a presentation with a ``small'' set of relators. In 1964, Golod
and Shafarevich proved that groups satisfying such
condition are necessarily infinite and used this criterion to solve two
outstanding problems: the construction of infinite finitely generated
periodic groups and the construction of infinite Hilbert class field towers. |
22nd January |
Please note that Chris Francisco (Missouri) is speaking in
the Combinatorics and Partitions seminar. |
25th January |
Yuri Zarhin (PSU) |
Abelian varieties
without homotheties |
celebrated theorem of Bogomolov asserts that the l-adic Lie algebra attached to the Galois action on the
Tate module of an abelian variety over a number
field contains all homotheties. This is not the
case in characteristic p: a ``counterexample" is provided by an
ordinary elliptic curve defined over a finite field. In this talk we discuss
(and explicitly construct) more interesting examples of
"non-constant" absolutely simple abelian
varieties (without homotheties) over global fields
in characteristic $p$. |
30th January |
Please note that Mihran Papikian (Stanford) is speaking in the Combinatorics and Partitions seminar. |
1st February |
See above. |
8th February |
No seminar this week. |
15th February |
Elena Poletaeva (University of
Texas visiting IAS Princeton) |
Superconformal algebras |
Cancelled. |
Superconformal algebras
are Lie superalgebras of vector fields of Cartan type.They are superextensions of the Virasoro
algebra, and they have many applications in
physics. Superconformal algebras were classified by
V. Kac. |
20th February |
Trevor Wooley (University of
Michigan): Note he is speaking in the Combinatorics/Partitions
seminar |
22nd February |
See above |
1st March |
Sophie Huczynska (University of
St. Andrews) |
A new result on generators for finite fields |
a finite field F=GF(q) and its degree n extension
E=GF(q^n). The Primitive Normal Basis Theorem
(proved in 1987) guarantees the existence of an element of E which is
simultaneously primitive and free over F; in other words, an element which is
simutaneously a multiplicative and additive
generator for the field E. Subsequently, there has been interest in the
existence of primitive free elements with various extra properties; answers
to such existence questions have combinatorial applications, as well as being
interesting in their own right. In this talk, I will discuss a framework for
answering such questions, and present a new result of this kind, the
"Strong Primitive Normal Basis Theorem". |
8th March |
Elena Poletaeva (University of
Texas visiting IAS Princeton) |
Superconformal algebras |
Superconformal algebras
are Lie superalgebras of vector fields of Cartan type.They are superextensions of the Virasoro
algebra, and they have many applications in
physics. Superconformal algebras were classified by
V. Kac. |
12-16th March |
Spring Break |
22nd March |
Maosheng Xiong (University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana) |
Selmer groups and Tate-Shafarevich
groups for the congruent number problem |
study the distribution of the sizes of the Selmer groups arising from the
three 2-isogenies and their dual 2-isogenies for the elliptic curve E_n:y^2=x^3-n^2x. We show that three of them are almost
always trivial, while the 2-rank of the other three follows a Gaussian
distribution. It implies three almost always trivial Tate-Shafarevich
groups and three large Tate-Shararevich groups.
When combined with a result obtained by Heath-Brown, we show that the mean
value of the 2-rank of the large Tate-Shafarevich groups
for square-free positive odd integers n not exceeding X is (1/2) loglog X+O(1), as X tends to
infinity. |
29th March |
Robert Vaughan (PSU) |
The generating function in additive number theory for
quadratic polynomials |
essentially best possible estimate is obtained for the additive generating
function associated with quadratic polynomials. |
5th April |
Sinnou David (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, visiting IAS Princeton) |
Baker Theory on group varieties |
long standing conjecture of Lang on rational functions on elliptic curves is
known to follow from sharp lower bounds for linear forms in elliptic
logarithms. We shall indicate how to prove such lower bounds. We shall then
indicate how these can be generalized to arbitrary commutative group
varieties. We shall also take this opportunity to survey
what has been done on this subject since the breakthrough of A. Baker. |
12th April |
George Andrews (PSU) |
The number of smallest parts in the partitions of n |
have been variety of studies in the theory of
partitions with weighted counts of partitions. We shall provide some
relevant history. Our prime focus will be spt(n) the total number of
appearances of smallest parts in the partitions of n. For example spt(4) = 10 which can be seen by examining the partitions
of 4: 4, 3+1, 2+2, 2+1+1, 1+1+1+1. Our object will be to show that spt(n) is closely related to the second |
19th April |
Leonid Vaserstein (PSU) |
Bounded reduction of invertible matrices over polynomial
rings by addition operations |
r by r invertible matrix over the polynomial ring in n variables with integer coefficients
(or, more generally, with coefficients in any Euclidean ring) can be
reduced to a two by two matrix by 11n²r+17(n+1)r²
addition operations. Since this upper bound does not depend on the
matrix, it implies the Kazhdan T-property
for the group SL_r(Z[x_1,...,x_n])
for any n and any r \ge 3. We
also obtain a more general result where the coefficients are in any Noetherian ring of
finite Krull dimension. As a corollary, we
obtain that every matrix in E_rA, for any commutative finitely generated ring A
or any finitely generated algebra over any field, can be reduced to a
two by two matrix by 11n²r+17(n+1)r²
addition operations, where n is the minimal number of generators and r
\ge 3. |
26th April |
Antun Milas (SUNY at Albany) |
Modular forms and W-algebras |
conformal field theories can be characterized by the property that there are,
up to equivalence, finitely many |
3rd May |
The Extent to Which Subsets Are Additively Closed |
a finite abelian group G (written
additively), and a subset S of G, the size r(S)
of the set may range between 0 and |S|², with the extremal values of r(S) corresponding to
sum-free subsets and subgroups of G. In this paper, we consider the
intermediate values which r(S) may take, particularly in the
setting where G is |