My talks
(partial list)
Gelfand seminar 1964-1989
6-Mar-72, L.N. Vasserstein. Different K-theories
U of Chicago Normal subgroups Summer of 1980, audience: Kaplansky, Swan, Bloch
Northwestern U Evanston Normal subgroups of GLn over a ring, May 1979
Penn State audience: O’Meara,…
Princeton U billiard, audience: Ranicki, W.Browder,…
Cornell U audience: Dennis, …
U of Maryland Sept 2 1981 4:00 pm Sinai's billiard
Sept 3, 1981 Coll van der Waerden problem on permanents
793rd AMS meeting at Bryn Mawr March 17, 1982 1:10 - 2:10 pm Classical groups over rings
also chairman of a special session, March 16-17, 1982
University of Oklahoma May 18, 1982 Full and Zariski-dense subgroups.
Stony Brook May 19 , K1-theory of Euclidean spaces;
May 20,, Congruence subgroup problem.
U.S.-France Algebraic K-theory Seminar, Luminy France May 23-28 about 28 Normal and full subgroups of classical grouups.
Canada Hamilton Classical groups over rings.
Nov. 19-22 Los Angeles; Nov 21 Classical groups over rings,
CallTech 11:00 am, UCLA 2:00 pm,
U.of Virginia Dec.6 Sinai's billiard (coll.);
Dec.7 Classical groups over rings (alg.sem.)
1984 /85: Kentucky 2 talks;
Boca Raton 2;
IAS Dec.13, 1984 Mennicke symbols;
Riverside 2 talks;
Rutgers Febr. 8, 1985, Mennicke symbols, algebra sem.;
Bielefeld Mennicke symbols March 15 Fr.;
Oberwalfach March 20, W Quadratic forms over rings of cont. functions.
Brown U. March 4 Intro alg K-theory.
May 18, Beijing, China, Normal & subnormal
May 26, 8:30 Changchun, China, Normal & subnormal
May 28, Inst.M.Acad.Sinica, Beijing, 14:30, Lower alg K-theory.
June 4, Xi'an, China, 15-16, Linear algebra and alg K-theory
Normal subgroups of classical groups over rings and gauge groups, & Non-commutatiove number theory, Ibadan , Aug 10 & 12.
Structure of classical groups over rings , Frankfurt Nov 13. 300DM.
F. Nov. 20, Structure of gauge groups, Bielefeld. 400
M. Nov.23, On Waring´s problem, Dortmund. 300 ? T.Nov.24. Structure of orthogonal groups, Munster. 200 ?
Liminy The structure of gauge groups, Jan.
Paris VII The structure of gauge groups, March 18, 15:30.
Bielefeld, Non-commutative number theory, April 15.
Lausanne 22 April, Mennicke symbols.
Geneve April 26, The structure of Gauge groups. Oberwalfach June 6, Structure of gauge groups.
June 22, 1989 Structure of classical groups over rings, Italy Santa Margaritta
March 9, 1990 3:30 pm Fr Structure of classical groups,
Sci Div U of Wis-Parkside,
April 4, 1990 Italy (with Wheland) Factorization of matrices over stable rank 1 rings.
Aug 5 or 6 1990 Colorado Sums of cubes
January 16 1991 Yale 4:30 pm Sums of three cubes.
June 26, 1991 Columbus Ohio Sums of three cubes.
Sept 3 1991 Grenada Work of P.Menal on normal subgroups
July 29, 1992 Moscow Steklov algebra seminar, 11:00-13:00 'On sums of three integral cubes'.
CWI Amsterdam Tue June 22 11-12 am Sums of integral cubes
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven W June 23 Sums of integral cubes
Technische Universitat Graz Th June 25 2:00 pm Sums of three cubes
Oberwalfach F July 3, 9:00 Products of conjugacy classes of two by two matrices
Products of conjugacy classes Toronto March 7
On sums of three cubes Waterloo March 8
Los Alomos Sep 13, 1994 10:30a
`Solution of Serre's problem on projective modules over polynomial rings`
1:30 pm
'Reduction of invertible matrices over polynomial rings to diagonal form by addition operaration`
Yale Dec 15 Products of conjugacy classes 2:30 pm Lie algebras seminar
Jan 9 Products of conjugacy classes Brest, France
Febr 17 Products of conjugacy classes UAB, Spain
March 16, Products of conjugacy classes Murcia, Spain
August 29 U of Toronto 'Sums of three cubes'
Oct 30, 1996 Rutgers Arithmetic groups
Dec 16, 1996 Sums of three cubes, Las Vegas