
Dean Olian

e-mail from Bob Marshall of  11.2.00  (Robert Marshall <>   Head of the Economics Department)
Research statements

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ACM   Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC'01)   14-17 October 2001
ACM: Special Interest Group on Electronic Commerce

Auction Theory | Berkeley overview | FCC Auction |  IBM |
UMich AuctionBot  | Peter R. Wurman |   Trading Agent Competition | 165 Math Reviews on auctions |
Reputations  (trust in e-auctions; from  Gary Bolton)  |
course on  e-commerce and on e-auctions by Dov Monderer |
publications by Yoav Shoham    on auctions |
publications by  Nick Jennings  | auction papers by Peter Crampton |
Auctions: A Survey of Experimental Research  by John H. Kagel |
Mathematics of the Internet : e-auction and markets / Brenda Dietrich, Rakesh V. Vohra, editors.
   New York : Springer, c2002.
The e-business (r)evolution : living and working in an interconnected world / Daniel Amor.
Electronic commerce / Elias Awad.

Michael Carter, Senior Lecturer in Economics, University of Canterbury;
This essay was prepared for Reader's Guide to the Social Sciences to be published by Fitzroy Dearborn

Editorial "Foresight or Hindsight?"
A review by John Milnor of the biography of John Forbes Nash, jr. ``A Beautiful Mind'' by Sylvia Nasar appears in a recent issue of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society (vol. 45, November 1998). It includes the following paragraph:
``Over the years the developments from Nash's seemingly simple idea [ed. non cooperative
game-theory] have led to fundamental changes in economics and political science. Nasar illustrates the
dollars and cents impact of game-theoretic ideas by describing ``The Greatest Auction Ever'' in 1994, when
the US government sold off large portions of the electromagnetic spectrum to commercial users. A
multiple-round procedure was carefully designed by experts in game theory of auctions to maximize both
the payoff to the government and the utility to of the purchased wavelengths to the respective buyers........

  Economics   Theory and Mathematical Theory, University of Oxford, Dept of Economics
reading list  for     "Auction Theory and its Applications to Economics" by Paul Klemperer, Nuffield College

"Cranky idea that became a £20bn game of poker"  (This article appeared in The Sunday Express --16/04/2000)
STEPHANIE BENTLEY tells how by applying game theory rules for the cut-throat super-mobile phones auction
were devised ...  The science of auctions is a fashionable part of a complex branch of mathematics called game theory. 

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